how risky is job change after 3-4 months?

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Why 100 posts?yes any question on 'LAG' forum is goin like this.
For example this question is asked in post #117 can be answered with post #102,which (102 )is more than 100,I guess.(excuse me ,no offence meant to any one and don not extend on this as I am really scared!).
Meanwhile so called laymen(like me) are getting lost in the forest of 'wisemen' posts.If there is any consolidation of the thread by any 'wisemembers' at least at the end,will help.if not if MODERATOR PLEASE AND PLEASE consolidate the points at the end of thread, will definitely and postively help the members to 'grasp' what ultimately the heck is and close the thread at the end.
And request members take one stand.whether they follow only the words of the law with out deductions or interpretations of thier own all thro' all threads or
follow principle of deducing/interpreting the law as they think all thro' the threads again.If members criss cross this principle from one thread to the other(or one forum to the other),all 'laymen' like me are in lost in the 'ocean' of opinions.
this is a just suggestion,I may be wrong but request do not extend the threads on this topic(my suggestion) again.If any body does not like my suggestions pl. ignore my post and rest.
but why???

Why do you "trolls" always "fight" with him? Look what you have done to the poor man, you have gone ahead and "pissed" him off. Don't you know, that, he knows "more than you", and has been "correct all along".

You know what happens next, the moderator from the "US Citizenship" forum is going to have to come here and "ban" all(including Rajiv), except of course, our resident hero.

"End of Story"


Constructive link

I used to pray every night that you trolls should never make me go this far.

"You have shown your stupidity right here. Get lost with your false, misleading and dangerous crap!" Anyway, since you asked for it, and not that you don't deserve it, here we go:

There, now that you made me post that link, I hope you trolls are happy.

I'll post that link again if I have to.

"Jeez" "I am sick of you"
The day of reckoning

Looks like I am going to be banned along with you trolls(anti-immigrants) too. Good, we can all spend some quality time in a correctional facility and learn about construction.

Fun fun!! :D:D
Yep it's fun ....thanks to our friend who is the only "non-troll' around matter if we don't get immigration information here but at least we are getting some fun !!

And you are going to be added into our friend's signature soon !!
Read my lips

You know what,

Welcome to my "sooper dooper pooper scooper KILLFILE"

See you later, as NJacobisBack
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