how often can we check the online status?


Registered Users (C)
will it harm, if i am checking my online case status couple of times a day? is it getting recorded anywere?
almost free needs to be locked up and the key thrown away.:D

You can check your online status till you are blue in the face and it will have no impact on your case. Offcourse, for the sake of other users - you should try to limit your usage, one never knows with the INS - their system may just crash if there are too many requests.
that's very true and

i really appreciate that.. i am not checking too many times.. once in the morning and once before the end of the i have read that people have checked message at 10 and same old one and at 11 they are approved.. that's why.. thanks a lot..

trually.. almost_free should be banned.. just scaring everybody..