How much time to Receive Card after Website Update??


Registered Users (C)
My case was approved on Dec 1st.
Passport Stamped on Dec 14th.
Website Status updated as Card ordered on Dec 7th.

How much time, it will take to receive the cards, after the status is updated in the website with 'CARD ORDERED'.

I have plans to visit India at the earliest possible date. Guys who got their Green Card can help me in blocking my tickets for this trip at appropriate time.

Thanks in Advance
The web status will change from card ordered to card mailed. After this change with in a week you will get it.

Its not my intension to frustate you or anybody. I was also in the same boat as you just few days ago and I know what it feels like when others get approved and you are not. I too know that the card will come someday.

My reason for asking this question is, I want to block the tickets for my visit to India almost after four and half years. Myself and my wife got our passports stamped. But, my six year old daughter's case status just changed to approved and card ordered after RFE (for photos). If I have an estimate of when I can receive her card, I can plan for blocking the tickets.

venqui, my card was ordered on January 7th, 2004. My passport is stamped in December itself. See the details below in Signature. Bye the way, I recd my card on Jan 13th.

Good to know that you got the card

SO it seems you got the card within a week of the card being ordered. Good