How much time after responding to RFE?


Registered Users (C)
Received RFE on Apr 23, 2002
Responded 5/6/2002
Received by INS 5/7/2002

How much is a good time after INS ADjudicates cases like these?
Mine is a old case too!
RD/ND Aug 2000
It\'s unbelieveable to see Aug 2001 cases on approval lists now!
How did you come to know of RFE Received date?

Just curious. Was it though FeDex tracking number etc or through AVM update?. My laywer FeDex ed my RFE response on Apr 23rd and AVM says it received on May 3rd.

If you found out through AVM then it shows that NSC is working in full speed!.

Answering your question, I guess (based on peoples response here) it may take anywhere between 2 days to a few months.

Good luck Man.
Working at full speed but going nowhere !

I\'m sick and tired of waiting to see some signs of positive movement at NSC . I don\'t know how you can even suggest that "NSC is working in full speed.". I\'ve decided to stop bothering to check this website and the AVM daily any more. Aur bhee gham hain zamanay mein....
Sorry dude!

I understand your frustation. Its just that I am trying to be as much positive as I can.

If its of any consolation, my situation is not good either. I hate my job to the core(people have started treating me like shit and there is nothing I can do about it other than quiting) and I am not able to bring my wife here as I got married during 485 (EAD/AP after my visa expired). I promised her that we will be together within 6 months and its already 6 months!. Atleast she is a little bit understanding.

I dont want to delay my process by quiting my job and delaying it further!.
tooOldtoWait , if you can try getting her to US on any visa (f1,h4,visitor,h1)

then she can join your i-485(file her i-485 as followup).Consult a lawyer.
I spoke to my lawyer even before marriage

He said there is no other way but to wait till I get mine approved and apply for her "follow-to-Join" CP.

H4 cannot be done as my H1B term expired
F1 and H1 ruled out as she is in medical profession
About visitors my lawyer said that there will be a conflict in "intension" so the counsul will almost certainly reject it. Its better not to try (per him).

I guess I trust my lawyer as I pay him(not my company) and he has been giving good suggestions so far.
I really feel bad for you.

I cant believe that we are already competing for who has the worst luck. C\'mon guys lets cheer up, some day we are going to get it till then lets relax and not get frustated. Maybe we can discuss about how to celebrate after getting our approvals or something like that (the other forums like CSC discuss about this!) that can divert our mind into something more enjoyable.
finally approved!

RD/ND Aug 2000
I-140 for CP processing
RFE 4/23/03 issued
RFE received 5/2/02
Respond RFE 5/6/02
AD 5/10/02
cool! congratulations!

That\'s really fast. My ND is Nov,2000, and reply RFE on April. Hope I will get it soon. Enjoy your freedom.

Congrats!! Hope the same happens to other old cases waiting.

I am still waiting:
RD: Aug 00
ND: Sep 1 00
RFE Replied 03/27/02 (Employment + Birth Certificate)
RFE Receipt Acknowledgement: 04/10/02
Congrats.... I am still waiting

Please post RFE waiters details:-

My details:-
    RD 02/01
    ND 03/01
    FP 05/01
    EAD/AP 06/01
    1st RFE Issued for both(Wife and Me) on 02/04/02 Regarding for Latest dated birth Certificates
    1st RFE Replied as per AVM on 02/25/02
    2nd RFE Issued for me only on 03/20/02 for Employment Verification.
    2nd RFE replied on 04/05/02 as per AVM
What does an approval got to do with freedom?

I see ppl saying "Enjoy your Freedom" who is the intelligent thinker that coined that phrase, it just brought that feeling in evrybody that you are a slave or something (you can walk of this one people!!!)that makes them use it and also acknowledge with a thank you when said.

ABSURD - after 50 + years of gaining independance we come across the seas and think like this (PATHETIC - ARE WE NOT?)

Seva : It is freedom !!!

The context is different here. It\'s freedom from mindless & never ending paperwork of INS. Freedom from down latest rules, countless extensions, etc. If I get my approval I certainly will feel the \'freedom\'.
True its a freedom of different kind

Specially when your desi boss (knowing fully about Green Card position) gives you an impossible deadline, its the freedom to extend your leg on the desk and say "I cant do it".

When he says you are fired, its the freedom to say "I am sorry, I didnt hear you... Did you hear me say I QUIT?"!!!

Ohh did I forget saying that you can take a few months off without worrying about anything and going to some other country on vacation and comming back without worrying about anything?

....and the list goes on...
TRUE I guess in a sense

YES I think in that context from ourselves(DESIs) and of course all the red tapes inding us.