How much time after 2nd FP


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Got 2ndFP done on 16th sep , how much I have to wait more, somwone posted that after 2nd FP the file is put on hold for 2 months and then touched is that true.

on God. There are people waiting for more than 3 mths. I am now 2+ months. When I did my fp , i used to hear 1 month. But I have not seen one single trend. So get is soon , some just keep on waiting.. and some are waiting for their 2nf FP notice so that they can do it soon...
There is no sure things, generally 1.5 - 2 months. but if your case hasn't been reviewed before 2nd fp issued, will take longer.
I have seen someone's case approved 4 days after 2nd fp too.

And start from Oct, things may change.
In May

when I called vsc - I was told that my case was being routed for review( it hadn't reached the officer but was picked up and added to a bundle to be sent to an officer). It is 4months now and 2 months after 2nd fp and here we are still clueless....

I am sorry dengdeng that the senators/legislators are not much help in MA. I guess you need to move out...triggering an AR11 and 2nd FP. Just hoping that the job situation improves...
dengdeng you keep on saying that from oct things will change, what make you to say this, are you getting this info from some reliable/internal source as maghesh_kk used to get :p