How much more?


Registered Users (C)
How much more torture can one go through? First they freeze the approvals for almost three months, then they create some hope by sending a flood of approvals and now they seem to be acting there is another freeze. Its almost 16 months since I applied my 485 now and dont see much hope in the foreseeable future. Some are saying they are not updating the AVM/Online systems. You'll just get it in mail one day...what kind of a new torture is this!! You dont even know what the status is, you look for your mail eagerly everyday and get disappointed when you dont see anything....ridiculous!!!!

I can perfectly understand your level of frustration cmr. I'm on the same boat, I am completing 16 months in 2 days.

Like you I also check my mail with lots of hope everyday .... check the AVM and online status almost 5 times a day with no avail.

Lots of serious, true hearted, frustrated prayers and disappointed begging to GOD have not resulted into anything so far.

I just hope that may God flash some miracle to make these idiots at NSC realize, how much pain, frustration and trouble we're going thru during this "Ant Speed" process.

Most of us who have applied for a GC are slogging with their employers like slaves, being not very sure of AC31 process, and facing resistence from potential employers to take up a unfinished GC process to carry forward. Always walking a tight rope and feeling a sword hanging on the neck.

I think just wait, watch and pray as likewise others we'll also have our day.

Hope this post doesn't add to your frustration.... I am thoroughly frustrated.
Hang in there guys

I understand your frustrations. Just try to deal with the situation as best you can.
The unforunate part is that these laws are made by people who did/do not have to go through what we go through.
There is obviously a bias against immigrants; more so now than 2-3 years back. In spite of some of the laws enacted then (like AC21 which was suppossed to make things easier) things seem to be getting worse.
The most frustrating part is the absolute unpredictable nature of the process. A freeze here, a flurry of approvals there, long periods of inactivity, no semblence of date based FIFO processing of cases, abrupt policy changes, confusion over fees etc.
The only way this can change is if we can organize and effectively lobby for changes. Unfortunately most folks who get through the process rarely get involved in trying to improve it. And I don't blame them for it. They are so mentally and physicaly exhausted, that they would not want to associate themselves with anything regarding immigration again.
I know of folks who were regular visitors here and to all other immi-sites, but absolutely refuse to visit there again since their approvals.

As a fellow sufferer who went through my own set of frustrations - 2 years for labor, 1 year for I-140, 1+ year wait for PD to become current, 1+ year for 485 approval(approved in July 2002), even as my employer went through mass-layoffs, mergers, acqusitions (I have had 4 different e-mail IDs in 6 years on this job) and pay-cuts; the only advice I can give is to hang in there and your day will come. And while you may not feel that all the trouble as been worth it, you'll at least be glad it's over.

Good luck to all waiting...
Hi Nachos,
I understand all your frustration, but what you say about people who got their approvals and dont visit these sites might be true to an extent but not 100%. I am one of the people who got approvals but still visit this site every day and share all your concerns and emotions.Interestingly my husband was a silent viewer of this site but I never looked at this site before approval but after approval one day when I was posting my approval on to this site and rupnet I came across so many posts and people's concerns issues from that day i am a regular visitor of this site. i really wish good luck to all you people waiting there whole heartedly. dont loose patience just relax and your day is moving towards you. so good luck to all all of you.