how much delay would name change cause?


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I am requesting a name change on N-400. I've heard that that would cause a delay in the oath ceremony. So typically, how much delay should be expected? My DO is Philadelphia, if it makes a difference. Thanks!
Name change requires a judicial oath, and in most places judicial oaths are less frequent than regular administrative oaths. The delay for a judicial oath generally adds about 1 or 2 months to the oath date. However, in some locations all naturalization oaths are judicial oaths, so there would be no delay caused by the name change. And if the name change is due to marriage (taking your husband's last name), they can usually accommodate that in a regular administrative oath with no extra delay.

Note that if you pursue a name change via the local court system outside of the naturalization process, that itself may take at least a couple months.
Note that if you pursue a name change via the local court system outside of the naturalization process, that itself may take at least a couple months.

These people want their new names on their certificate of naturalization so they don't want to do that seperately
Yes, I am one of "these people". :) Do you know if Philadelphia is a DO where all naturalization oaths are judicial oaths?
These people want their new names on their certificate of naturalization so they don't want to do that seperately
If they do the name change before naturalization, the natz certificate will have the new name.

But if the goal is to avoid delays, doing the name change before naturalization only makes sense if the process in one's local court system is fast (under 1 month) and it is done before filing the N-400.
If they do the name change before naturalization, the natz certificate will have the new name.

But if the goal is to avoid delays, doing the name change before naturalization only makes sense if the process in one's local court system is fast (under 1 month) and it is done before filing the N-400.

"These people" are also frugal. If they do name change seperately, they may need to pay a fee. If they do that in the N400 process I don't think they need to pay an extra dime
"These people" are also frugal. If they do name change seperately, they may need to pay a fee. If they do that in the N400 process I don't think they need to pay an extra dime
This comment is unnecessary and uncalled for. It's mean spirited and potentially hurtful. It has nothing to do with the issue discussed here or any immigration related issue. I understand that you have been helpful on many issues, and I don't know what this is for. Don't bother to reply though. I am leaving the forum. Thanks for your help.
I am not sure what is the big deal about name is people's right to do so....let us leave this decision up to people. I do not believe it alsways adds 1-2 month delay....I have a family member who did name change which added only 10 days delay....

It could be other reasons which contributes to the delay with applications...
I am not sure what is the big deal about name is people's right to do so....let us leave this decision up to people. I do not believe it alsways adds 1-2 month delay....
It doesn't always add a 1-2 month delay, and nobody said that. That is just a general estimate. Each jurisdiction is different. The timing is largely dependent on the frequency of judicial oaths and the number of people requesting those oaths and the number of people the court (or other venue) can accommodate.
Name change requires a judicial oath, and in most places judicial oaths are less frequent than regular administrative oaths. The delay for a judicial oath generally adds about 1 or 2 months to the oath date. However, in some locations all naturalization oaths are judicial oaths, so there would be no delay caused by the name change. And if the name change is due to marriage (taking your husband's last name), they can usually accommodate that in a regular administrative oath with no extra delay.

Note that if you pursue a name change via the local court system outside of the naturalization process, that itself may take at least a couple months.


my name on the gc has just my last name, middle name and the first letter of my first name..... i would like to have a name change and make it the way as it appears on the passport nd known by that then on. does that mean its gonna take additional 2 months? i believe that in ny the naturalization process takes around 5 months on a normal course (mailing n 400 to oath), so if there is a name change is it going to be 7 months or worse ? :(
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my name change request delayed my oath by 4 weeks. I know this cause the IO said if I was not requesting name change I could get oath on 16th dec, but i requested name change and so I got oath on 14th Jan.
"These people" are also frugal. If they do name change seperately, they may need to pay a fee. If they do that in the N400 process I don't think they need to pay an extra dime

This comment is unnecessary and uncalled for. It's mean spirited and potentially hurtful. It has nothing to do with the issue discussed here or any immigration related issue. I understand that you have been helpful on many issues, and I don't know what this is for. Don't bother to reply though. I am leaving the forum. Thanks for your help.

Wow! must have hit a nerve... anyway, IMO, the Naturalization process allows for someone to change their name easily without jumping through hoops.
Barring extenuating circumstances, I don't see any reason why someone would choose a harder more expensive way when a simple option is available at no additional cost?

my name on the gc has just my last name, middle name and the first letter of my first name..... i would like to have a name change and make it the way as it appears on the passport nd known by that then on.
Does your passport match your birth certificate? By default, USCIS will make the naturalization certificate match your birth certificate*, and that is not considered a name change even if the GC name is different.
does that mean its gonna take additional 2 months? i believe that in ny the naturalization process takes around 5 months on a normal course (mailing n 400 to oath), so if there is a name change is it going to be 7 months or worse ? :(
More likely 7 months or less. If there is a delay due to name change, it is usually not more than 2 months.

*unless you already did a name change via marriage or another court process
I don't think WBH was being offensive at all. Being frugal is not necessarily a bad quality, so I don't see why the OP got so offended. Oh well!

On the other hand, it makes a lot more sense to change one's name through naturalization than to petition a court to do it. A court petition usually takes a couple of months and involves jumping through some hoops.
Yes, I am one of "these people". :) Do you know if Philadelphia is a DO where all naturalization oaths are judicial oaths?

Make a quick estiamte. I think one oath ceremoney can take 100 people and I estiamte one DO can interview at least 50 people.
So in one month, they may interview 1000 people that need 10 oath ceremonies. Assuming 10% of people want name change,
I think they should hold one judicial ceremony a month. If they hold two judicial ceremony on the same day for efficiency, they
may have a oath day for every two month.

All these are just rough estimage to give a not so clear idea