How much are people making ?


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As a change to the regular topics, I propose that we all list how much people are making during these tough times.

We can all list what area we work in, ballpark of our salary and whether we are permanent employee, consultants or independent contractors without giving any other specifics like company name etc.

This will help everybody to know what's going on in the market and whether we are being payed what we are worth.

To start off, I am working in SAP as a permanent employee making around 100K. I would be most interested in SAP replies although everybody is welcome to post.
SAP is treating you good.

I'm glad you are doing great.

I'm working in Telecom and making about 95K.
No raises or bonuses for the last 2.5 years for me. I'm not complaining. People "on the floor" are making anywhere in 60-80 radius.
I'm working my ass off though. pretty much have 2.5 jobs.
My "old" job is 8 to 5. I come in at 5:30 in the morning to do some development work for another boss (hopefully my new boss when, if ever, market recovers) and then i stay late because my old job is a support job.
Weekends are good, because i can sleep a little. But i am usually at work by noon time.
Sad thing is, that company might not not make it anyways . . . well . . . at least i'll get some experience . . . although some times i think that i don't need any at this point.
Today my working day was ruined because i had to go to Boston INS to get screwed(probably they figured I haven't been screwed for a while so they gave me and my wife a refreshing screwing session for only 110$ a peice). So, my new job suffered a 100% and i was 1 hour late for my old job. On top of that, it was so cold outside that i made a big mistake . . . i had a coffe. I should not have had it . . . after a while, if you keep having 4 to 5 hours of sleep every night, your brain can no longer handle coffe. I'm now shaking.

How is that for a change of subject? How much more personal do you wanna get? :)

I don't make nearly as much as you guys make .. but, I sleep at least 8 hours every night. I can go to the rec center anytime I want (in the evening) and have the whole weekend to myself. Boss likes me too .. so in general life is good :)
I guess my philosophy is money is not everything; I want to live a relatively balanced lifestyle ;) and I am grateful that I am having it now.
I am like gc012002

But I would like to work extra for some $$$. I think this is the best time for me to make money cuz I have no commitments.

I am an application programmer and make ok... not nearly as much the first two posts. I value "me time" but it feels odd when you have friends making 100K! But they tell me that I am lucky. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side
before my gc, I was making 70+K but after I got laid off and found a new job, it jumped from 105+K... I can say I am very fortunate to have a blessing like this especially these tough times... plus I'm doing freelance applications programming on the side, which still gives me another source of income...
Aah, just to add a few more spices, here's my tale ;

Working for a Desi is something can only be described with expressions. and to be justified, with the best use of the language usually avoided in front of children and elders.

I do not feel easy in sharing the fact, BUTT, I am paying a price for the GC and pre approved LC. Off the books, I will not be paid as printed, still file tax for the same amount.

I OPEN the office at sharp and work till 6pm not that sharp ... The weekends are totally mine, eventhough they tried to have them too. But I somehow managed to have them back. So working for 14 hrs, my brain yells for rest. reach home around 7:30 pm and try to sleep latest by 10:30 after eating diner and watching B4U for a while till I finally take my socks off.

But on weekends I play guitar and keyboard to stay balanced and some freinds also join me to remember Old time indian music.

Thats almost all
I am working as a Project Manager (Asstt. Vice President) for Last 3 years. I make 225+K, Stock Options and Commission. Over the weekend I work in an Educational Institute. I have a partnership with them 25-75. 25% is mine..

Whatever I make from Institute, I put that in a trust. As soon as I get my GC, I can Use the Entire fund for my own Education Institute.
ranniedv, good for you!
But on the other end of the spectrum, is the new job in the similar position as the old one? I am not quite clear if you have received your GC or not.
If there's an RFE from INS, that 50% jump in salary could certainly raise a red flag.
Originally posted by GC012002
ranniedv, good for you!
But on the other end of the spectrum, is the new job in the similar position as the old one? I am not quite clear if you have received your GC or not.
If there's an RFE from INS, that 50% jump in salary could certainly raise a red flag.

No problem with that! I already got my greencard when the switch in jobs happened... Same position, new people. Once you have the greencard, you can have any kind of job you want, unlike if you are still waiting, it has to be the same as what was applied on the LC...

G-L, I am impressed you are making 225K + in this market situation. I have been Project manager myself fro 8+ years. Dont even make 50% of what you make. Thats why moving to sales. Waiting for the GC so that I can move without issues. Regardless, I will make my move to slaes pretty soon.
Great thread, yeh rahi meri kahani

Hi, I found this thread quite refreshing, as it gives a bit of glimpse behind the screennames, and is off topic (me sick of Immigration talk really)

Well I work as a full time is good...I get paid decent. work mostly 9-5, weekends are free. I like outdoors and the company of friends. So either I am hanging with my friends or hiking, roaming around, travelling in my free time. I also like to work out in the gym which I manage about 3 days a week.

This way I am cncerned as to what my next step should be after green card, I've thought of
- becoming a consultant, this way I thought I may be able to travel across US on short term assignments. But I fear I might leave my peace of mind.
- I might look for another permanent job, but not so sure about that ?!

I feel cheated

When I read these kind of threads discussing remunerations, I feel I have been cheated by my company. I started as an Application Programmer 4 years back at 65K. I am still working for same company and making 70K. Though I am Project Manager.

I am just waiting for GC, then I will look for better opportunities, but the wait seem to be endless.

Am I the only unlucky one, making so less???

Or the guys on this thread are the few lucky ones

I started at 84 in 2000 and went back to 65 recently! I am surprised people still make 6 figures in software, but that's the beauty of this country :)

I feel comfortable with 65 on the I140 application since this is prevailing wage and if I have to switch jobs in the interim period I can very competitive

So my advice is - low ball on your I140 application rather than state a high salary and then find company can't justify paying this

Thanks Canvrgtitright,
you can say I am Lucky but Thats the Average salary in my Group of the Employee, I am at level III and everyone in our group makes between 200+ to 240+.

I think Its good, if you start some small business in side that will atleast run the house when we are in trouble( firing, etc etc).

One More thing Its little risky at first to invest in some business, but we have to take that risk sometime in our lifes, else Money sitting in the Bank account will of no use.
Making money also depends on the place you are

Say for example in CA if you make 100K, it is not the same as making 100k in NJ.