How many with March NDs (2001) haven\'t been approved?


Registered Users (C)
So many with ND April, May, even June of 2001 have been approved based on one of the postings here. How many March NDs (2001) left out there?

Mine: PD July 1999, ND March 16, 2001, FP May 2001
Please Share

Did anybody here talked to IIO recently? When I called last month, she asked me to wait another 3 months before I call again.

Please share any info as why Feb/March cases are getting delayed where as later cases are getting approvals.
My RD & ND are in March & Still waiting.. talked to IIO

My info.

RD 03/02/2001 ND 03/27/2001 FP 01/12/2002 AD Waiting

I called IIO couple of days ago. He told me that my file has been marked as pending for FBI feedback on FPs. He told me that INS has received the results & now my file is waiting to get assigned to an officer.

IIO refused to give me any time frame for approval or even assigning the case to an officer. He told me to be patient again & again. Asked him that which cases INS is processing now. He told me that that should not matter as far as my case is concerned. All I can do is to be patient.

Read this

When I call last month, first IIO told me that my file is pending for something (i.e., finger print details from FBI).
I called again the same day after checking with FBI. Then another IIO checked the system and said they have received finger print details . But they have not updated computer systems.

I asked what should I do? She said just wait. Some one has to update the computer then the case will be assigned to the officers.

Isn\'t there a similarity between your case and my case?

Hi Venati,

After FBI sends the FP results. They go to some other computer system. These results get updated into main computer system later. IIO told me that my FP results were updated on main computer & now case is waiting to be assigned to an officer.

I think same was your case when you called IIO. But I think by now your fp results should be updated into main computer system & case should be pending to get assigned to an officer.

Why don\'t you call IIO again? Ignore what IIO told you when you called last time about not calling for 3 months. That is all bull. He/She just wanted to tell you something. They usually give you these type of answers when they don\'t know the time frame in which your case gets approved.

When I called IIO he did not said not to call in next 3 months but said that I need to be patient.

I am planning to call them again after 8-10 days.

Achiever, thank you for the reply- called IIO today.

I talked to male IIO today. He is of no help. He told me that my case is waiting for FBI fingerprints check. Basically same as what I heard last time.

I asked him whether they received the details from FBI. He answer is it looks like they received. It is waiting for FBI check. It may take few weeks or few months.

Finally, I did not understand why my case is pending.

I will call again after few weeks.
venati that means case is yet to be assigned to an officer


that means case is pending to be assigned to an officer. My case and your case seems to be same. When did you do your FPs? I did it on 01/12/2002. Whatever i gathered from messages but on this board is that INS has some sort of logistics manager who priodically assigns cases to the officers for review depending on how they are marked. So whenever that fellow picks cases & assigns to an officer, further processing is started.

Till then it is all wait. I think IIO has no control on this. So they give some standard or vague answers.

I guy I know who had his FPs done on 12/27/01 but he did his FPs before on 12/08/01. His RD & ND are in April 01. He got RFE issued on Feb 28th. So that means his file must have been assigned sometime between Feb 25-Feb28.

So I am guessing that for folks like us who did their Fps late, it should be around 2-3 months after FP dates(FP date assigned by INS) that our files will be assigned to an officer.

Again I may be completely wrong about all this.

Keep in touch on the board.

Achiever, thanks again

But I did my FP in July 2001. My ND is in March 2001.

I can only hope they look at the old cases periodically.

RD. FEB 01, ND, MAR 01, FP FEB02
