How many were left with ND 02/2000, Please post !!!


Registered Users (C)

For statistics purpose, how many were still left without approval with the ND of 02/2000. The cases with Jan/Feb ND are adding to Tracker only after their approval. This wont give us any good estimate for myladoor reports.

Could you add/update the tracker if you haven\'t already done. Thanks.
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Any one out there to post your details ! Please also include whether you already have a entry in the Tracker. thanks.
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I am there with PD:07/97,RD:02/08/00,ND:02/16/00,EB3,INDIA. But my record is already there on immitracker.

PS: just after I posted this message, I went and check AVM, and it says RFE for my Wife. Doesn\'t say anything on my message.
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PD 12/97 RD 02/03/00 ND 02/15/00 FP 03/29/01 RFE 03/23/01

Count me. I am in the same boat
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Count me in too
PD 12/17/98 EB2-RIR India RD 2/1/00 ND 2/9/00 FP 3/27/01 RFE Issued 04/23/01
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I am still waiting.I don\'t have entry in immigration tracker site. PD DEC97 EB2 India RD 02FEB00 ND 09FEB00 and FP Mar15th.
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ND-2/2000-Currently VSC seems to be sedning RFE\'s out for EB3 cases and straight away approving EB2 cases unless some clarification is needed. I guess we can see a lot of EB2 approvals in the next 2 weeks for ND 1/00 to 3/00.
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EB3 India, PD 11/97, ND 02/00.
I\'m also there (here? somewhere?) in the same boat.
Worried the boat\'s getting crowded, have this sinkin\' feeling.
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I am also waiting ...........
EB2(RIR), India, RD 1/21/2000, ND 2/3/2000, FP 3/15/2001, Redo FP for my wife 4/3/2001

Hoping to get some massage soon from VSC.
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EB2 RIR INDIA PD:Jan 1999 RD:12/21/99 ND:02/28/2000 FP:Aug/05/2000
(yes it was aug 5 2000) wife\'s FP redo april 18 2000
Waitig for approval
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Still waiting for approval. Already in immitracker.

PD:08/07/97 EB2/India RD:01/30/00 ND:02/08/00 FP:04/05/01
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Thanks for all your postings. Though I am not in this boat I am gathering the info for tracker to know how big is FEB 2000 waiting list is. I guess after OCT99, FEB00 is the month with the largest waiters.

I would request you ALL please add your entries at Tracker, so that you can update yourself when there is update in your case which reduces myladoor work a little bit. Thanks for your cooperation.
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Count me too. My details are already in ImmiTracker.

PD 2/98 RD 2/10/2000 ND 2/23/2000 FP 3/21/2001. Still waiting...
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I am sure you would get the approval soon.
My case has also been assigned to the officer but my PD is not current yet.
