How many sheets will be in AP


Registered Users (C)
I see some postings saying they received 3 copies. I have received only 2 sheets one with saying \'To Transporter\' and other \'To Alien\'. Can anybody please clarify this.
Thanks a lot

Two sheets is OK. If you are going out of the country take both sheets with you. Take a few copies too....just in case.
I got only one copy with photo

Another copy looks different. But the cover letter from TSC says that they sent me 3 copies though I received two copies only.
That is true

First copy with photo is the one the IIO will stamp when you re-enter the USA. He will return this sheet to you if you have multiple entry AP. The second copy is supposed to be for the Airlines. You can keep some copies with you (of both sheets). In my experience, the airlines did not take any sheets from the AP. They just looked at it and returned it (both sheets) to me.
I recieved 3 sheets

2 with photos and 1 with out my photo.It has seal though at the same place.I dont know abt the contents other than that.
No Title

Do did I but two issed "to alien" and one issued "to transport line"