How many RD Oct 1 to Oct 5 waiting without RFE?


Registered Users (C)
Looks like many got approved/got RFE in this date range. Please update on what IIO says if you have info?

My details
RD Oct 1, 2001
ND Nov 20, 2001
State KS, EB2
FP April 17, 2002

In my case IIO said that the case was in the staging area and security check was done (called Mid Jan) but not yet assigned.
Me too.

RD: Oct 5th 2001
ND: Nov 23 2001
FP: March 2002

God knows how long is it going to take..
me too

Me too Called IIO yesterday, she was nice lady she told me that my case is assigned and I should hear something in few weeks, I had called in Dec before and that time I was told that it is yet to be assigned, the thing is that she herself told me that the case was assigned.

One questions someone posted the message that his case was YET to be assigned but security check is completed, I did not asl the IIO about it, does that means my security check is complete as she told me my case is assigned, I hope it is assigned.

Response will be appreciated, as I have heard sometimes these checks themselves can take lot of time.

My RD: 10/01
ND: 11/21
nice to see you here, dinosur!

seems most of our old friends from Oct.01-05 club are done! When ours? frustrated!

RD Oct. 01
RFE replied 1/05/03
kia, forum123

I am still here - but I don't feel too nice about it! I wish I was approved by now!!!! This thing is hanging on tooooo long.!!!

Good to know your is assigned - I was given the impression the security check is done and then it is assigned but I cannot be sure. You can NEVER be sure about INS processes, can you???

hope we see all in this club approved in a couple of weeks.

all the best
still waiting. In rupnet I am seeing cases with rd 30, rd28, etc being approved ,some cases without rfe as well.
God knows what are they doing with october first week cases.
rd: oct 2nd/2001
nd : nov 21/2001
fp : mar 7 /2002
rfe : none
ad : ?????

I noticed the same and so I started this thread - It appears unfair to approve end Oct while no action has been taken on the early Oct filers... (also we are seeing some Sept cases not yet done) As I said, INS process is a mystery.

Oct cases have been processed since Aug/Sep 01 and about 6 months have passed by and they are still dragging ...... (180 days of "OK maybe today" and then at the end of the day after 4 online queries or more I say "not today - don't know when the tunnel will end".... This is the worst part.

Seems like there are a good # of people on rupnet who are in the same date range as us but not approved. I hope they are not the ones who have to forgotten to update Rupnet..