How many of you check AVM Everyday?

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Is AVM a specialised occupation? Do they grant H1B visas for this? They should, as I have seen several "technical" & "scientific" AVM discussions on this board involving many qualified "workers" and "consultants" , several with 3 to 5 years experience!! I also feel that AT&T, MCI etc should offer cash back bonus on calls made to AVM\'s, considering the huge traffic generated!
Not good to call every day..

I heard it\'s not good to call everyday or so b\'cas that info. is logged into the system and the officer can see that and be annoyed about that....

On an other note, check this site...Seems to manage & show the stats pretty well. Let\'s start tracking our dates.
Yes, I used it for checking I140 approvals, like it very much. Would be a good idea if you posted a

I check occasionally

But now a days, with pressure from my friend I check everyday in vain. But no timing as such.
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What number we need to dial to check the AVM in day time, is the 802-527-4913 or the different.If so please give that number.

Thanks in advance
With that can we say....

Checking AVM everyday will not affect the processing time? It is still purely Luck that counts... Like somebody posted the IIO said you should be fortunate to get it.. what do you say guys??
There is another 5 years for the citizenship......Don\'t be so optimistic......

I check once a week, usually on Sundays.

But check this site and more than once everyday.
My wife already get bored

My wife doesn\'t check the AVM: I do and she\'s got bored by just watching me calling and hanging up disppointedly every day. Maybe I\'m becoming like a Chinese fictional character (Fan4 Jing4) in an ancient novel who got mad after he finally scored so well in the official-selection exam that he would jump out from the rank of ordinary people to the elite offical/upper class.

We are close to completing our residency requirement of 5 years before applying for citizenship. I want to know if my child can apply for citizenship along with us. He was born in India and is 12 years old.

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