How many Dec'01 waiters?


There was about a 1 month gap between the two RFEs. 1st RFE issued in July, the 2nd in August.

NSEERS is the Special Registration that applies if and only if you come from an Islamic nation. You are required to register annualy with BCIS. If you do not know what it is chances are your country is not on it.

hope this helps.
Recv'd 2nd FP notice

Hi Dec. 01 gang,
Recv'd second FP notice today. Suspect after my
lawyer called them up earlier this week. Keep this
thread going. dwak_2000 best of luck on your
2nd RFE.

Does anybody in the forum know whether we can go
earlier than the appointment date to get our FPs done,
in St. Paul, Minnesota ?


RD - Dec. 14, 2001
ND - Dec. 15, 2001
FP - May 28, 2002
RFE - June 30, 2003
RFE response received by BCIS - Aug. 7 2003
2nd FP scheduled - October 7, 2003
AD - ??????
Received 2nd FP.

LIN -02-062-xxxx
1ST FP - May, 2002
RFE responded on Birth Certificate
2nd FP - Sept.2003

Are you planning on contacting FBI to see if they had sent the FP results to NSC? Is it too early for us to do that, considering it's less than a week since we gave our prints?

2nd RFE

cmr below the 2nd RFE details

2nd RFE for wife (Primary) - Asking to submit a list your employment history since your last lawful admission, to include the name of each employer, dates of employment, primary duties, job requirements, job title and wage. This should also be accompanied by documentary evidence that establishes your employment history - evidence Form W2 wage, tax statements; pay stubs; cancelled checks (both sides); complete copies of properly filed federal individual income tax returns (1040) or any orther documentation which confirms your employment history. This evidence should serve to identify your current and prospective permanent employer and all previous employers since your last lawful admission.

Further, submit a statement from your new prospective permanent employer, which specifies the job title of your new position, primary duties, requirements of the position, wage and any other terms and conditions of employment. This letter should be issued by an appropriate authority within the organization that has the abilitiy to confirm the job offer.

Same thing was requested in the 1st RFE also but they were menionted whether we are claiming AC-21. Hence we didn't change the job, lawyer assumed we don't have to send the current employment letter and history haven't mentioned. Though we have sent all the details from our end??.

RD 12/17/01
ND 12/19/01
FP 06/29/02
RFE 06/18/03 (Employment History from last lawful entry, Current Employment Letter)
RFE Response recd by BCIS 07/31/03
2nd RFE 09/02/03
AD ????
After 2nd FP - camel boy's experience

Hi cmr,
Camelboy posted his approval today on rupnet - Dec. 01 case.
Went for his second FP on Aug. 24th. Got approval on 9/11 -
so around 3 weeks after his second FP. Not sure if he is a member
of this forum.


Yes I did see the approval on Rupnet this morning. It gives all of us great hope. After all 3 weeks wait is not that bad, considering the fact that we waited so long. But one thing that's not clear from camel's posting is whether he had done his FP on the scheduled date(Aug 26th) or earlier.

Anyway, it sure is a great sign of hope.


I'm going to wait for a couple of days and then call to check on the FP status. Will update on results.

Dec. 2001 case aproved without 2nd FP ?

Just checked rupnet, rs20021 has his/her case approved. It is
a Dec. 2001 case, FP done in April 2002. AD - 9/11. No
apparent second FP needed (first FP should have expired in July 2003). Is this possible ?

Employment Letter

submit a statement from your new prospective permanent employer, which specifies the job title of your new position, primary duties, requirements of the position, wage and any other terms and conditions of employment. This letter should be issued by an appropriate authority within the organization that has the abilitiy to confirm the job offer.

Do any of you have a Format for the above? If you any of you have one please post the same

Thanks in advance
To whom it may concern:

This is to inform that Mr.X is currently employed by company(name of the company) as a(current position). (Company name) has made an offer of full-time permanent employment to Mr. X to serve as a(position mentioned in labor/I-140) at a wage of at least (salary mentioned in labor/I-140, profferred wage). This position will commence as soon as Mr. X's immigration status permits him to accept it.

The terms and conditions of the employment petition continue to exist.

Regardless of what is stated above, both parties have the right to terminate this agreement at any time at will and without cause or advance notice.

I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

If you have any questions, please direct them to ..........



Dwak, I had posted this format earlier when Chikki got his rfe and I think he used this format and had no problems in getting his approval. I used the same for my rfe.

But I am not sure if you can use this for an AC21 case as it has a line saying 'The terms and conditions of the employment petition continue to exist' which clearly indicates that the letter is coming from the original sponsoring employer. Please check with your lawyer.

Guys, has anybody applied for the 3rd EAD. My current EAD(2nd) is expiring on 1/7/04. As you guys know I already responded to my rfe and BCIS received it on 7/30 and completed my 2nd FP on 9/12. I am planning to wait until the fist week of October and apply for the EAD renewal if I still dont get my approval by then.

That will give me about 3 months before the EAD expires. Do you people see that as enough time, any thoughts? And those who are in the similar situation(I know many of you are..:)), what are your plans for EAD renewal?


PD 02/23/00
RD 12/11/01
ND 12/14/01
RFE 07/11/03(Employment letter, Birth affidavits for both and legible BC copy for spouse)
Response received 07/30/03
2nd FP 9/12/03

CMR Thanks for the format. Finally happen to discuss with the lawyer about the RFE yesterday (after 10 days of RFE generated). He is wondering why this RFE ?(.(for which he is suppose give us an answer). and kept on asking whether my wife changed/worked for anyone inbetween using EAD, same thing he asked us when the 1st similar RFE was received , this could have been avoided if he would have sent this in 1st response itself, He asked us to get the letter from her employer. So I am preparing the one. (Its really frustating that Lawyer and Employer are not really doing anything constructively or even won't listen to us ) :rolleyes: :confused: :mad:

Once again thank you very much.
3rd EAD

CMR - I have already sent my 3rd EAD renewal last week after seeing my online status changed to RFE has been issued.

Ours (wife & myself) is expiring on 01/02/04 and decided to send it before 90 days, so that if I am not getting before it expires to get an Interim EAD.

It would be ideal if we have the Receipt Date in the notice before 90 days of the current EAD expiry date. Personally I would suggest you to wait till 3rd week of this month (May be wait till 24th of Sep) and send it on 25th even if they received on 26th, they will be having 1 week time to generate the receipt notice..

Wish you to have your approval before that.
3rd EAD

CMR - I have already sent my 3rd EAD renewal last week after seeing my online status changed to RFE has been issued.

Ours (wife & myself) is expiring on 01/02/04 and decided to send it before 90 days, so that if I am not getting before it expires to get an Interim EAD.

It would be ideal if we have the Receipt Date in the notice before 90 days of the current EAD expiry date. Personally I would suggest you to wait till 3rd week of this month (May be wait till 24th of Sep) and send it on 25th even if they received on 26th, they will be having 1 week time to generate the receipt notice..

Wish you to have your approval before that.
3rd EAD for cmr

better to apply ASAP. I got an RFE on my second EAD
since I did not send a recent photo id (had to send a copy of
my driver's license to get the EAD). My 2nd. EAD took more than 90 days to be adjudicated, and I had to run and get a temporary
EAD from the local INS office so that I could continue working.

All the best.


I am going to have a business travel out of country for several months. However, I am expecting the approval very soon - just done the 2nd FP. Is there any problem for me to come back by Advance Parole after the I-485 approval?