How Many days it will take to update the AVM after the FP are Done.


Registered Users (C)
Right now the message says that "on this date we sent the notice of fingerprints blah blah blah". When does it changes to some thing like "Finger prints received from FBI ".
I did my fingerprints a week before.
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Mine not updated yet. I think I did FP on 10/21. I checked with FBI they say they sent it to INS but the message on AVM is still On October 4th we sent.. So, I am not sure what is happening in my case.
AVM Message doesn\'t update

Unless they introduced something new, AVM message shouldn\'t reflect FP at all...but again, they may have introduced new stuff. I had FP done in April and the only way for me to find out that INS received them and everything is ok was to call the IIO. My message is still the same (form received blah blah blah)
Yes, they changed,

Starting October, INS has been using new system to schedule FP and track FP , that\'s why all people got FP recently heard FP notice sent on AVM, also when FBI sends FP result back to INS, AVM will reflect that.

If you search this topic in \'485 issues in California Service Center\'
Forum , you will find a lot of posts regarding this change.
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to my bad luck AVM never gets updated for any stage, nor when i got my FP done
or when they received my RFE
not updated

in my case avm message didnt change. i got fpnotice in 29nth oct.,fpscheduled date is nov.20.what should i do