How many days it takes normally to get RD, ND after applying I-485


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Can any body tell me how long does it take normally to get RD and ND after filing.

When does the INS clear the checks, as soon as they get the application or at the time of issuing the RD?

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Nobody can answer this one precisely. It is different from case to case. I do not know what is RD, or ND. My case is like:
1. I-485 mailed to INS on 9/30/01.
2. Got receipt from INS. Received date is 10/5/01; notice date is 11/8/01.
3. Got finger print notice on 12/5/01. Notice date is 11/23/01.
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Would u mind informing which area u reside? I\'m trying to figure out if FP notices are sent based on location. Couple of my friend live in Atlanta and they have not received the FP notices even though we applied earlier than you.
U\'r input would be helpful; thanks