How many days ...for approval ?


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485th Law of ..- "Law of INrSia" (not inertia)
The same law is also known as law of INS (INrSia). This law helps you in predicting how log (how many days) is it going to take for INS to processes your I485 application once your case has been assigned receipt date (RD).

What do you need to have?
I know it has been long time since we all used arithmetic cuz we heavily relied on our idiot-boxes. Since you need to do lots of calculations, what all you need to have is \'log book\', either of Casio Fx82 (or equivalent) calculator or Pentium IV processor with MS Excel on it. I guess Fx82 Casio calculator will do even better than Pentium IV 2Ghz 256MB desktop. So choice is yours. There is trade-off of $10 and $10000.

I know you people have plenty of time as I do. So why not read this while you are refreshing this site a least twice in a minute expecting good news i.e. some application around your RD gets approval or your query got replied etc. Make sure that you refresh main window at least 4 times while you are reading this post.

Before using formula that dictates the law, one should understand various terms that are used in the formula.

1. Service Center Damping Factor (SCDF) considering CSC as standard
SCDF for CSC = 1.00
SCDF for VSC = e * 1/2 (where e = 2.71828175) = 1.35 (approx)
SCDF for TSC = e * 2/3 = 1.81 (approx)
SCDF for NSC =e = 2.72 (approx)

2. Damping factors for country if birth CDF
CDF = population * respective-population-diffusion-factor/ (log (2) * (10 ** 12)

Where respective-population-diffusion-factor is measured with respect to US.

Consider following values if you belong to India or China
respective-population-diffusion-factor for India = 1992.17
respective-population-diffusion-factor for China = 1284.32

CDF for India = 1,000,000,000 * 1992.17 / (.3010 * 1000,000,000,000) = 6.64
With the same above formula CDF for china = 4.98

Note that CDF is applicable to EB3 category only. For all other categories and countries use CDF as 4. Value of this variable can\'t be less than 4 in any circumstances. Also remember that CDF will be 4 for even India and China if priority dates for respective countries are current.

3. Category Coefficient (CC) considering EB2 as 1
CC for EB2 = 1
CC for EB3 = 2 * 1 /e = 0.735759
CC for EB1 = 1.25

4. IIO\'s Efficiency (Ief).
Value of this variable depends upon how efficient IIO who is dealing with your case. Value ranges between 10 (best) and 30 (worst). You can assign whatever number you want to but make sure that it should be between10 and 30. Also you can use your current luck factor. If you have been lucky in past few months you can assign lower value. It is up to you.

5. Lawyer\'s Efficiency (Lef)
This variable is quite similar to IIO\'s efficiency. You can assign it any number between 10 and 30. If you are dealing your case your self, assign the best possible value that is 10. Also if you are considering that you are not going to get any RFE, assign this variable with 10 as there is no lawyer\'s involvement once case is file and there is no RFE to deal with.

6. Coefficient for Environmental factor (ENVf)
Value of this variable ranges between 0.1 to 1 (1 being best). As of today you can assign this variable with 1. In earlier months it was quite low.

7. INS Efficiency enhancing factor (INSEf)
Range of this factor is between 1 (worst) and 1.3 (best). As Uncle Sam has announced hundreds of millions of $$$ for INS budget to increasing staffing and efficiency, we will see increase in INSEf variable for coming years. Use table be
Vol II... it got truncated

7. INS Efficiency enhancing factor (INSEf)
Range of this factor is between 1 (worst) and 1.3 (best). As Uncle Sam has announced hundreds of millions of $$$ for INS budget to increasing staffing and efficiency, we will see increase in INSEf variable for coming years. Use table below to determine the value of this variable
Year INS Enhancer Factor
2001 1
2002 1.1
2003 1.2
2004 1.3
2005 1.3
2006 1.3

8. RFE Offset (RFE)
There is straight (I wouldn\'t call it linear) relation between number of RFEs and processing time. If you think that your lawyer has screwed up your case and you are excepting RFE, you can assign 45 to this variable.

9. Absolute Processing Time (APT)
It is a constant. It is number of days that INS should take to process your I485 application. Assign 35 to it. Believe me even 35 days are too much for an application to get processed but the thing is INS has to justify the headcount in this bad job market, that is why they have redundant stages.

10. Actual Processing Time (T)

 \'T\' is function of all variables and/or constants that I have explained above. To calculate \'T\'
Use the 485th law

  T = (APT * SCDF * CDF + Ief + Lef + RFE )/ ( ENVf * INSEf * CC)

APT absolute processing time
SCDF service center damping factor
CDF damping factor for country of birth
Ief IIO\'s efficiency
Lef lawyer\'s efficiency
RFE number of RFEs * 45
ENVf Coefficient for Environmental factor
INSef INS Efficiency enhancing factor
CC Category Coefficient

With above formula here are estimates for 2001 filers (RD in 2001)
CSC EB3 INDIA/CHINA/OTHER 2001 filers with no RFE with best IIO 220 days
VSC EB3 INDIA/CHINA/OTHER 2001 filers with no RFE with best IIO 287 days
TSC EB3 INDIA/CHINA/OTHER 2001 filers with no RFE with best IIO 375 days
NSC EB3 INDIA/CHINA/OTHER 2001 filers with no RFE with best IIO 550 days

Use same formula for all other scenarios that you want

Note :
Every possible disclaimer applies. Don\'t take it seriously.
No copyright for the formula, can be distributed anywhere and to anybody.
Source - Unknown.
Accuracy +/- 30 days.
I think this guy really needs a job

Otherwise this is how we are going to be bored!!!!

Anyway good job rohan(for whatever its worth for)


You are really frustrated... sigh.....VSC Changes us ...
But how come you find so much time to give vent to your feelings....