How many before 07/20/2001(No REF) waiting


Registered Users (C)
How many before 07/20/2001(No Ref) waiting.
My RD 07/05/2001
IIO told my case is pending..
Please post your case here
RD 07/17/2001
ND 08/27/2001
FP 01/02/2002

No RFE, AVM message says " fingerprint results were received and processing has resumed"...still waiting and getting really frustated as each day passes and nothing happens with my case :(
I have the same message too, grinfo. Our dates are very close.

Mine is:

RD 7/18/2001
ND 7/27/2001
FP 01/17/2002

It IS very frustated knowing that there are already cases with later RD and ND that have been approved. I haven't even changed my employer yet!!!

I almost check the AVM everyday to see if there's any status.. I am starting to think that it is a waste of money on checking now.
My I-140 was processed for CP fro VSC. I think thats why me case is getting delayed. Do you know why your case is getting delayed?
No idea why my case was delayed.. it's not like you would get a pretty good explanation if you call a IIO. I know that they should be processing cases with RD around mid July or ND right about late August at this time, base on the cases approved on

I feel like I should have chosen CP in the first place!
My RD is 07/18/01
ND is 08/28/01

On 09/11/02 called INS, I was been told that the case is pending with someone.. someone is looking your case. At that moment I was happy... but it is almost one week, so far not approved.. I don't how long it will take for approval, once it is assigned to somebody.:(

RD:Seven-O-Eleven 01
IIO told that my case has been assigned to Officer a month ago.No response till now. Stopped calling IIO. Very much frustrated.:mad:
Calling IIO

Does the INS actually track the number of times you call and speak to an IIO? Is it bad to have too many calls against your file. My lawyers contacted the IIO two times already and I am really tempted to call NSC again, since my case was supposed to be "assigned to an officer" August 30th...still no approval!!!
I have only been checking AVM... haven't talked to any IIO... every time I tried to call to talk to IIO on the regular business hour, I always get busy signals.

Does anyone of you know when wuold be a good try to reach a IIO live on the phone?

I don't think you can get on the "black list" by calling to check status too often. What can they do? If you call too many times your case will be denied????? Not making sense.
Guys, calling & talking to IIO does not mean that you are getting 100% correct information. In my case I talked to 3 different IIO in same week, each one gave me different answers & still couldn’t figure it out what happened to my case. I don’t trust this NSC IIO anymore. So just have a faith in God instead of II0.
I agree with kaa

I talked to IIO three times last week. They all gave me different info. One IIO told me that it will take 3-6 months for my case. I am sure they log our calls but I don't think they will delay someone's approval just for that reason. I am also sure they log AVM usage. I asked IIO about AVM usage and call, his answer was don't worry about that we are here to help you!!!! I know many people who used AVM on daily basis got their approval.

Do you know or guess why its taking longer?
May be your I-140 was done for CP or other Service center. In my case I think I140 problem is delaying my case.
paninaro, these days IIO are very easy

to get hold of. Try 2-3 min. and you definietly get connected. Because of application volume, i think IIO are spending time by
killing some flies all day.

Thanks for the tips. I used to just try the AVM after their business hour, since that's really the only time I don't get busy signal.

I will try calling them during their business hour some time then. Thanks again!
My experience...

1. Don't try to call IIO unless there is very very valid reason like to confirm address change, your RD is far behind ( 1 month back from others) etc.

Calling IIO will be tracked and they note it as well. And I am sure one wil get Query defenetely if they call more than once. I called 2 times and they send me a query 'Employemt update' (got doubts on my call) and ofcourse, it got approved within 2 weeks after that.

2. Its not that IIOs are not knowledgeble, they know but rememeber you are calling the same INS # for all cases that means any IIO who picks up the phone shall be able to answer any case details and not just I485. So, some IIOs who knows about I485 very well, may talk well but you can not expect all the same (with so many types of cases INS have).

When I called IIO on Aug'15th, they said my case was not still assgined to any officer and it may take 3 months for approval and on the same day evening I heard on AVM that an RFE is issued.
So, this example may clear your doubts on how effective IIO information is useful.

Best of Luck to All
very interesting and helpful comment, Red Card.

Thanks for the tips.. think I will stick with AVM in this case then. I actually got the same type of information like yours from an IIO today.. takes from 3 to 5 months to get my case processed.

Just curious: so INS logic is like if you call too often, there's something wrong with your employment; therefore, a query for employment update would be a good idea?

Thanks and good luck to you too.
Any updates from any of the people who posted replies to this thread???.....

Still waiting...