How many are there without LUD Changes after 2nd FP

No LUD after FP2 = Name/Security/Background Check Roadblock?

I have come across many cases where cases which have been held up for Name/Background check's are the ones where they have had no LUD's after FP2 and only one before that (May 8th).

Anyone with any different info or experience ??

No LUD after FP2 = Name/Security/Background Check Roadblock?

I have come across many cases where cases which have been held up for Name/Background check's are the ones where they have had no LUD's after FP2 and only one before that (May 8th).

Anyone with any different info or experience ??

Same here. I not sure NC/BC/SC is cleared, whenever called TSC, received various responses. 2 cases out of 6 cases trasferred to NBC (for standard interview) erroneously/mistakenly, "... there was no need to transfer..." as told bu TSC/IO.
However, TSC/IO confirmed FP-2 results are in the system without LUD.
no LUD online but infopass on May 24 th verified that Namecheck clear/ fp results in system and LUD on file in their system is May 22nd. No LUD online though.
Folks, We can't trust the online LUD changes any more...probably we will get approved without any LUD change as recent approvals indicate. Also, there was an audit on my case on 5/30 (came to know from an Infopass appointment) and there was no LUD for this. Strange are the ways USCIS is working....(may be competing with Indian Govt!!!...let me take it back on second thoughts: I heard Indian Govt is much more responsive these days)

LUD on my case two hrs after talking to IO today.?? is it a good sign??

I got hold bit OK IO at TSC after multiple tries..she was good after giving my wait time and lot of friends are getting me I didn't cry.

Here are details in case..
IO - Asked for my name and address..
Me: I told my attorney address which is address my case
IO: she told me that that is your attorney, how about your address?
Me- I gave my address
IO: Transfered to TSC on March 12th, FP issued on March 18th and did you give FP?
Me:Yes, I did in May..but no LUD on my case, also i have been waiting from 2001.
IO: Sir, we have many cases, your is not old compare to many. we are working on the order we received.
Me: any how find out that any is working on my case? or speed up the process.thank you for your time and helping out here.
IO:your case is not been assigned anyone yet and we have tones of cases..we will process in order.
Me: How about NC?
IO: can't disclose for Federal rule. Sir, have a nice day
Me: thank you

PD - Oct 2001
RD - Nov 2004
VSC-->TSC, 15th Mar'07
FP2 - May 10th 07
LUD - No changes after March t'fer.
Name checks - Cleared, IO and Infopass confirmed on Jun 1st 07

GEEEcard - still waiting for approval
Count me in. No updates on my case. Strangely, my wife's case shows updates who was with me on the same day.
Here's my Story

I got my FP2 notice on the 2nd of June for the 15th of May appointment.
I walked in the very next wednesday(6/6) with my notice requesting them to FP me . They said they are too busy and are not taking Walk in's anymore.
So I Fedexed them the Notice asking them to Reschedule the FP appointment that very day. They recieved the notice on 6/7.
All this while my Status read, we have sent you a document on 5/23 ... If you don't recieve in 30 days, call back.... yada yada yada..
I made several calls to USCIS asking them how many days would it take them to reschedule , got replies ranging from 2 weeks to 6 months to reschedule.
Today(6/20), i got to Newark ACS at 8:00 am with the copy of the notice and walked in, they took me in and got my FP done by 10 am.
I got to work at 11 and i saw an LUD saying On Mar 2 your case was transfered from VSC to TSC, etc etc... It went back to the original status which was prior to the FP notice status on 5/23.
I dont know what to make of it . I am out of name check, I know that from Infopass a couple weeks back.
Nothing might come of it, but I guess I am satisfied as my FP are in and there is some movement.

EB3 India PD 12/2001.
Had LUD the same day as FP2 but none after

I had LUD change the same day as FP2 (5/7/07) but none after. My wife had LUDs on 5/7 & 5/18.

This wait is getting frustrating. They don't seem to be approving cases in any order. Once the flood gates open on July 1st or for that matter even now, there is no guarantee USCIS will go back and approve the long pending cases. They may just approve the easier cases to use up visa numbers.
count me too... this is my take

it could just be that we are all stuck in name check and hence no lud's after second FP.

My daughter's case who had the first FP( CODE3 ) showed a lud on May 8, after FP1 on may 3,2007, but for both my spouse and I FP2( CODE1) no lud's after FP2.( Last lud march 15-- case transferred to tsc from vsc march 2 ,2007)

Can anyone in this thread please update their signatures if they have confirmed news that their name check is complete( which will dispel my theory, and also be good for all of us) Only those who are transfer cases from vsc to tsc please.

485 RD OCT 2004
FP2 ---MAY 2,2007
I had my 2nd FP done on May 25th and no LUD's so far. Called FBI and they said the results were sent to USCIS the same day. Took a Infopass for next week in Hartford.. Let's see what info they give..