How many 2003 filer with FP in Nov/Dec'04 are approved?


Registered Users (C)
I saw that many of us having FP in Nov/Dec are approved. like

zsuj, ssk007, chinnipappu, MydreamUSA,
kharghosh, neb_01_april, anu2180, vasgaddam

We can start this thread with FP in Nov/Dec and I 485 RD in 2003.
Please post your details...
fp/processing ??

Hi Lakshya & others,

I have given my second finger printing in November, no changes in my lud since the day one.

From Jan 1st is the processing scenario ??? are they approving only cases whose priority date is before 2002 or they are approving the cases whose priority date is after 2002 also ?? Can any one please clarify on this???


RD :April 24 '03
ND :May 1st '03
First FP is done.
2nd FP done on 20th Nov 2004.
2nd EAD Notice Date is:April 23 2004 and approved on May 31 2004.
2nd AP Also approved on Jun 2nd.
skarza :

That's why I had started a thread for 485 Filer
(EB3 , not current PD , from those 3 countries)
If they call USCIS and get their response, (like they are not touching those files or something)we can figure out their policy.

Actually we don't have sufficient info after this retrogession come to some conclusion.
Lakshya said:
skarza :

That's why I had started a thread for 485 Filer
(EB3 , not current PD , from those 3 countries)
If they call USCIS and get their response, (like they are not touching those files or something)we can figure out their policy.

Actually we don't have sufficient info after this retrogession come to some conclusion.


Its bit surprising to see your first FP in Dec 2004 and your ND for 485 is May 2003. I filed in June 2003 and got FP1 in April 2004.

Is this your first FP or second FP?
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It looks like lots of folks have not received their approval even after FP2 done in Nov/Dec'03.
I-485 RD 02/18/2003
PD 11/1999(Labor Substitution)
FP2 12/15/2003
Alok2004 :confused:
Alok2004 said:
It looks like lots of folks have not received their approval even after FP2 done in Nov/Dec'03.
I-485 RD 02/18/2003
PD 11/1999(Labor Substitution)
FP2 12/15/2003
Alok2004 :confused:

My FP2 was in Aug 04 and my wife's in Nov 04. Still waiting.
Two are done

Mamoo with 2FP on 12/03/04 is done....
Immediately after 2FP on 12/03/04 he got RFE...
RFE email 01/07/05, Recd 01/11/05, sent 01/13/05, NSC Recd 01/14/05

kjkool had FP2 11/13/04 and got approved on 12/22/04

It seems their IIO were working fast enough..:)
Let's hope for the same action for other IIO dealing with files having FP in NOV/DEC 2004.
Forgot these two..

curiousGeorge FP2 11/2004 and AD 11/29/2004


ketireddy 2FP 11/18/2004 and AD 01/19/2005

Online Status changed today as my Case got Approved :) . The whole GC process including a Labor denied earlier took 5 yrs in all.
One thing which I learned from this GC process is "PATIENCE" .