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How lucky are you ???


New Member
Hi guys, to my understanding that winning the DV lottery is like winning a 100 million State lottery . How lucky are you ? I have tried twice and did not win:(, hope the third time, i will get lucky :p. Perhaps, anyone out that have won the lottery can share with me , how many times you have tried before you won? and for those people who haven't won yet, how many times have you tried ?:)
Well, if DV is as difficult as winning $100 mil lottery, I bet DV winners have spent all the luck they can get in life time for DV:D

Yeah, I'd take 100 mil hands down.
Hi guys, to my understanding that winning the DV lottery is like winning a 100 million State lottery . How lucky are you ? I have tried twice and did not win:(, hope the third time, i will get lucky :p. Perhaps, anyone out that have won the lottery can share with me , how many times you have tried before you won? and for those people who haven't won yet, how many times have you tried ?:)

Ok, I have to post here. As everyone knows I have a thing for accurate numbers. :)

Now, generally speaking a big super lottery such as the euro millions or one of the big multi-state lotteries in the US the odds of winning are ludicrous. Typically one in 70 million.

If you compare those odds to the European DV2008 here is what we get:

12000000 (people enterd the DV2008 from EU)

25,000 (NL’s were sent out roughly speaking)

12000000/25000 = 480.

So we are talking 1 winner for every 500 people that entered one the lottery. While they are still very high odds, they are far from 1 in 70 million.

So winning the DV lottery cannot be accurately compared to winning a lottery where you have to match 6 numbers out of possible 1 -49 range.

Still the odds of winning are fairly high so its still a good achievement to win, but for those of you hoping to win this year I think you will agree a 1 in 500 chance is better then a one in 70 million chance!

Good luck to you all, and I hope I have not put you off playing your local lotto's, I still play the irish one most weeks! …. :)