how long?


Registered Users (C)
how long till BCIS starts approving cases again? when did the approvals slow down/stop???

at this rate we will once again go through the old saga of retrogressing dates as visa numbers for each yr will go waste...
I guess what HumHongeKamyaab means is most of us were expecting a much faster approving process if not flooding than last month due to the end of that religious workers higher priority. Obviously it didn't happen, I would say partially because that annual audit in October. Anybody has any inputs/coments on when will that be over? But even it is true, this is just one of the infinite mechanisms that could delay their process. The waiting drives everyone crazy!
Do you have any links that confirm that an audit is going on currently. Would be great if you can share the link
Here is an old link to the audit:

They were saying the audit is around 09/24/02-10/08/02.

But I am not sure if it's the case for this year. Also if you read the old threads around this time last year, some old buddies like Jack Hannah was complaining painfully for no progress at NSC. As for this matter, I agree with CMR, we need some active members like Jack to keep the forum alive.

When can we see the light at the end of tunnel??:confused:

yes, thats what i meant. it's just stuck at january 2002 RD. if i go to rupnet predictions and use 6 months data the approval prediction reduces by 6 months. r we gonna see flooding netime soon? did flooding occur last month???

thnx for the response guys and good luck. hang in there...

Originally posted by Shamu2002
I guess what HumHongeKamyaab means is most of us were expecting a much faster approving process if not flooding than last month due to the end of that religious workers higher priority. Obviously it didn't happen, I would say partially because that annual audit in October. Anybody has any inputs/coments on when will that be over? But even it is true, this is just one of the infinite mechanisms that could delay their process. The waiting drives everyone crazy!
processing time

My attorney told me that, in general, she is seeying more approved cases in the last couple of months in NSC. When I mentioned the word "flooding" she immediately said that she does not belive such will occur, but larger numbers will get processed.
She also manetioned that more cases have "resumed processing".

I'm not sure if it helps, but to share my knowledge.

I am yet to see the light:

RD 1/9/03
FP 4/10/03
EAD 3/18/03

Right now showing 570-600 days.
No Audit

I found this on a web site this morning:

10/14/2003: No Annual USCIS File Audit This Year

The USCIS disclosed to the AILA that unlike the practice in the previous years, the USCIS will not conduct the annual file audit this year. It is thus unlikely that processing of cases will be frozen for the file audit in October or later this year. It is a good news for the immigrant community.
How Long

Few Min Back I called NSC
This is what I got:
May I help you?
I like to check on my case.
She not acked LIN #
She never verify my info's
She ask when is the Reciept Month/Date/Year
I told her 01/14/2002
then she said:
It is taking 25 month to 26 month
Do you need any thing
I said no, thanks
Re: How Long


and how does 25 to 26 month equate to 570 to 600 days. 2 yrs is ridiculous.

Originally posted by detroit485
Few Min Back I called NSC
This is what I got:
May I help you?
I like to check on my case.
She not acked LIN #
She never verify my info's
She ask when is the Reciept Month/Date/Year
I told her 01/14/2002
then she said:
It is taking 25 month to 26 month
Do you need any thing
I said no, thanks
length variations

I don't know how it equates. I just go by the website. I am not sure why they quote 2 time frames. At this point I am waiting to see what happens in the next 2-3 months.