How long ???


Registered Users (C)
When will it happen :confused:

I have to go to India october end .How much time do you think would it tkae for a DEC RD to get the approval.Few months back I was sure that I will have my approval in hand by July/Aug and now Oct seems difficult.

What are your thoughts...


..ins is going slow now .. so its taking a year for AOS .plus around that time (dec) holidays / snow would set in .. so slowing things further .. you can travel freely on your H1 or EAD/AP ..why worry ? I know friends who have done that ..
If the trend continues ...

upto RD NOV, average i485 wait period 13+ months. Things will be faster RD DEC01 onwards.
you may see it prety soon ....

you may see it prety soon as most of the Sep cases are tranfered to local INS and Vermont may start on Oct, Nov and Dec cases.
I hope u r right

It would really be nice if INS starts parallel processing of Oct.Noc & Dec.
I sure hope you are both wrong mankap and asj

How can you feel happy at the expense of the Sept cases? I sure understand what the remaining July and August filers not approved yet are griping about. If they say their group should be dealt with first before Sept cases then that is fine, because they are the ones who are first in line not us. September cases deserved to be prioritized BEFORE Oct, Nov and Dec cases and should not be junked just because some INS people who are getting sensitive to mounting criticisms about their ineptness wants a shortcut out of their mess.
Rhondy... give me a break

whats your problem...whats wrong if some one feels happy that for some reason their case might be processed faster.Should we feel sad and depressed ...or why not let us know how we should feel....I guess you are tired and frustated relax and vent up your frustation somewhere else.
Hi Buddy Zip it up!!!

Why do you want to send SEP filers to local INS so that Vermont can process OCT, NOV cases?

Do you you have some problem with SEP filers ? They are also just human beings like you and your buddies...
To mankap: there's nothing wrong being happy as long as it wont cause other people's

misery. You said it yourself, You hope the Sept cases get filed locally so the Oct., Nov. and Dec. cases can be processed by VSC earlier. Its like saying: to hell with Sept cases, I sure hope their cases get thrashed somewhere else so we could get ahead in line.

I dont care if you think there's nothing wrong getting ahead by having other people suffer , just dont express it openly else you also get a not so friendly response like this.