How long you can stay outside the country on AP


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My Wife would like to stay in India for over 4 months. Please share your experiences.

she has Valid AP for a year.
So its not true that we can only stay outside max of 60 days(atleast by law) even thought their might be allowing people in who are stay outside more than 60.
I think that rule apply for primary applicant

MD_Rockville, I think 180 days rule applies only for primary applicant not secondary

MD_Rockville said:
if I-485 is pending then you should not leave the country for more than 180 days in continuity..
Brij523 said:
MD_Rockville, I think 180 days rule applies only for primary applicant not secondary
It applies to all who filed (AOS - I485) while in US. To leave and enter into US
is admissible under AP within the period mentioned therein. There fore, before or on the expiry date on AP, the applicant must be in US to continue his/her AOS application.