How long will it take after case is assigned to an officer


Registered Users (C)
PD 9/19/99
RD 9/6/00
ND 9/21/00
LIN - 00 - 264 -XXXXX

Called IIO and I was told both my and my wife\'s cases were assigned to an officer on Sept 19 01. I am wondering how long it will take till approval.

I was also informed that NSC is having audit for two weeks starting Sept. 24. All work will be very very slow during that time, and no file movement.
could U please post your country, and EB 2 or 3

Hello , could U please post your country and EB details, your reply is appreciated. Usually it takes a week to 10 days for the approval after assigned to an officer, in case there are no any RFEs.

Good luck to U, U are going to see LIGHT at the end of the TUNNEL SOON. RAMU KESI
It depends on the officer and also,

Now it the time of auditing. You may not see anything till middle of nextmonth.

Good Luck !