How long to get plastic card? PP stamping experience at Newark


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How long does it take to get the actual plastic card once the passport is stamped?

I did my stamping today at Newark and it took just 1 hour (2 hours if you also include the 1 hour wasted because of the fire drill that they had while we were there - one of the laziest fire drills that I have been in!!). We reached there at 9:15 and were out around 11:20.
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I actually had the official copy of the notice from my lawyer along. But I know that they were accepting courtesy copies of the notice because I heard the officer there tell one of the people there (loud enough for the whole room to hear) that they needed any one of the courtesy copy OR the official copy to get the stamping done. Many of my friends have done their stamping there with the courtesy copy.
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Actually I think it\'s case by case, depend on your luck.
I intentinally test that when I do the stamp.
I have both copies in my bag but only provide the
courtesy at first time. The officer said this is not good
and ask me for the official copy. She only stamp my passport
after I gave her the official copy.

On the other hand, I did not test what will happen if I told
her that I don\'t have official copy though.