How long to get plastic card after stamping? It\'s NSC.

Stamped on 7/19/2001

I got stamping done on 07/19/2001 and still waiting for the card.

I think we will have to wait for a few more months. As far as I know, they are still processing the later part of 2000 and earlier part of 2001.

I frequently go on business travel and I can\'t wait to carry the card in my valet instead of a bigger passport.
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I filed I90 at NSC due to error on my first green card. I was told it may take 5 to 9 month. On Jan 22, my lawyer just received the approval notice for I90 and stated the card will be mailed to me between 5 to 9 month. The good thing was I received the correct green card Jan 18, 2 days eralier than approval notice (I filed I90 on Dec 14). According to my card processing date, it was processed on Jan 12. Somehow, NSC speed up green card printing process, or it may only apply to I90 for re-print green card.
Pls share your experience


Is there any problem to travel using the stamped passport? I had my
PP stamped but haven\'t got the real card yet. I am planning to travel to another country next month. I am concerned that I might have some
difficulties when I return to this country. Based on your experience,
what kind of documents do I need to carry with me besides my stamped
passport? Thanks a lot.
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I never had any problems with the stamped passport. I have travelled by flight(Eu and Latin America) and ground (Canada). But I have heard of stories of some people who had to do some explaining to the emmigration officials of other countries before they were allowed to board. Now that the INS takes a very long time to process the cards, I wish they make the GC stamp more official and impressive.

I have never been asked to show anything other than the passport. However, I always carry the approval notice and a letter from the employer (I still work for the same company). Have a nice trip.