How long to get crimal record check from RCMP


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone know what timeframe iT takes to get the Canadian criminal check from the RCMP? I have tried to be ahead of the game in gathering documents but with the packet 3 now requiring it I am concerned I may slow down my process.
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It took me 4 weeks from mailing it out (last August) and getting it back (last September). I used a regular registered mail. I heard others saying that it can take anywhere from 3-8 weeks. Good luck!
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I fedex-ed mine on 12/28/01 and recieved it via fedex today 1/29/02. You do the math in terms of days or weeks.
URGENT :Do we need RCMP PCC (FOR MUMBAI CONSULATE) if local Name based PCC came thru clear ?

I asked for fingerprint based check at the Local police station and they said they only do it if name based check come out with some other person also with the same name/details in canada.

If I do still need this , what would be the process ?

A quick response would be of great help as i am expecting a March Interview.

Thanks in Advance.

I have an idea now. It will not be as bad as i first thought. I will be sending mine out by FEDEX tommorow.