How long should it take once "File is under transit for congressional enquiry"


Registered Users (C)
I am the primary applicant and my case got approved last year (March'04). However it seems my wife's file could not get IIO's attention :-(
Her 485 Receipt date is Jan'02.
Ist FP => Mar'03
2nd FP => Oct'04
Called up TSC many times ( using the separated case option ) and got the same story evrey time that writing to supervisor and something should happen in 4-6 weeks. One consistent information I got all the time was that her Name Check for FP done in Oct'04 was completed in Oct'04 itself.

Last month we wrote to congressman's office. They have still not received any reply from USCIS till date but when I called this morning to TSC ( my first Monday of the month routine ) I was told that "the file is under transit for congressional enquiry". I am hoping that finally some one has successfully retreived the file from the "To be Done at Leisure" lot at TSC.

Although I am keeping my fingers crossed, but would like to ask the readers in this forum if they have :
a.) heard of such a response in the past
b.) have any idea how much time does it take for the file to finish the "transit" status / get any response.

Interestingly the case LUD has not changed and still showing Nov'03 :-(

wow, looks like TSC is now coming up with more and more elaborate answers :)
TSC never surprises me ...

CTGuy and slt,

I think they are getting very good at responding to inquiries. Instead of explaining the status in simple terms, they are going at lengths to confuse us. I wonder what they will come up with next? On the more positive side, atleast they responded to your inquiry and are probably looking into your case. Be hopeful.


This is the first time I hear about it. It took them about 45 days to tell the senator I contacted that my I-485 is pending security clearance. I think after that the "transit status" will change