How long should a recommendation letter be?


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My recommendation letters usually are two-page long except one letter is three-page long. But my friend recently show me a sample package from his lawyer for NIW and EB1A. The letters are very long, about 4-7 pages. Do you know what length is preferred for the recommendation letter?
yelaine said:
My recommendation letters usually are two-page long except one letter is three-page long. But my friend recently show me a sample package from his lawyer for NIW and EB1A. The letters are very long, about 4-7 pages. Do you know what length is preferred for the recommendation letter?

It really doesn't matter. I once saw a letter that was only 10 lines.
yelaine said:
My recommendation letters usually are two-page long except one letter is three-page long. But my friend recently show me a sample package from his lawyer for NIW and EB1A. The letters are very long, about 4-7 pages. Do you know what length is preferred for the recommendation letter?

Mine for OR were 1.25 pages from my Ph.D. advisor, and about half a page each for the others. I would cover the issues that are necessary concisely, and to the point. If the letters just ramble, you might have an annoyed adjucator. I cannot imagine going through several 4-7 page letters.

My case was recently approved, so brevity cannot kill you.
Thank Lamonte and Tony403. How about the length of a petition letter? I plan to write 5 to 7 page. But one of my friend who just submitted his NIW petition through a lawyer wrote a petition letter more 30 pages.
yelaine said:
Thank Lamonte and Tony403. How about the length of a petition letter? I plan to write 5 to 7 page. But one of my friend who just submitted his NIW petition through a lawyer wrote a petition letter more 30 pages.

My petition letter was 3 pages for EB-1 OR. OR is MUCH easier to prove than NIW. I would definitely focus on the requirements for NIW, and write an easily navigable letter that deals with the 3 prongs of NIW. 5-7 pages sounds good (I think), 30 would drive me nuts if I was the examiner.