How long it takes to make a decision after a case is assigned to an IIO?

It is funny you asked this question today

Yesterday I heard on the Radio an interview with a INS employee. He said it takes about 4 to 6 minutes for the officer to take a decision on a non-complicated case. But it takes anywhere between 1 month and 6 months for him to pick up the file after assigned to him.
Info about the interview please

I am sure a whole bunch of us would like to get to know about the inner workings of the 485 adjudication process. Can you let us know which radio station the interview was on and when (time) and possibly the name of the program/segment ? Maybe they have real audio files of the interview archived or may be transcribed notes of the interview are available. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
I just heard one report on NPR but it was on the Mohd. Atta

student visa case I think this was the program dont care was refering to. Go to the website and search for INS
It was NPR

Super1966 you are right it was on Mohammed Atta. In that interview the guy said about the processing times etc. That is when he said it takes 4 to 6 minutes and the time to get the file. It was 3/26 at 6.00 pm I guess.
4-6 minutes !! Dont Care !! - Even to hear it is very very good - How nice if it is true ?
