how long it takes for RFE to arrive


Registered Users (C)

Can anyone please share some experience/comment.

My REF was issued on 03/21 per AVM, any idea how long it takes for my attorney to get it? I live in DC area

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Normally it should not take more than 14 days from the date as per AVM. Could you please post the details of your RFE when you get them? Thanks in advance.
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sure, I will post more detail after I get the RFEs, they were issued for both me and my wife. Don\'t know what\'s going on, I hate the waiting, it is very depressing

Here is my detail
RD 07/23
ND 09/07
FD 01/15
RFE 03/21
Send the reply to RFE at the earliest.... You would be getting the approval

soon. Same thing happened for my friend. Good Luck.
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I went thru some of the RFEs in this site, it could take anywhere between 4 days to over 2 weeks, hopefully my RFEs will come shortly