How long is the FP valid?


Registered Users (C)
Waiting for my 3rd FP notice. I did the 2nd last Sept.
Would you be so kind to let me know when my 2nd FP will expire?

I had two diffenrent answers. One year or 15 months.

15 months is what I have heard


Almost everyone I have talked to states that FPs are valid for 15 months. I am not entirely sure about this. I don't think anyone really is.



Thanks for your reply.
My wife did her 2nd FP last Aug. However she received a notice two
month ago saying her FP was expired. She took her 3rd FP last month.
That was conflicting with the 15-month rule.

I was told by folks at ASC, when I went for my second fingerprinting, that a finger print is valid anywhere from a year to 18 months. Now, how or when do they make a decision to call somebody for fingerprinting again? even they weren't sure!