How long is it taking for Buffalo center to send assesment letter


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1. How long is it taking for Buffalo center to send assesment letter/Medical forms after they have send file no. in June ?
    2. What all is needed for Medical ? How much time the Medical takes ?
    3. What is the timeframe for sending this ROL Fee ?
Experience with Bufallo

I have very good experience with Bufallo. I thought that they stuck to their timeline remarkably. Here is the Info on my case:

-- Applied in October 2000
-- Got it back in One week saying that there was problem with my Draft of application fee ( I tried to be smart and send a draft in Canadian Dollars), so I got a Money Order for the equivilant US Dollars and sent back the application
-- Got my File Number in February 2001 (end) with request for missing papers. They also waived my Interview and gave me the Medical Papers. Here is a list of papers they asked for:
    a) They saw my Undergraduate degree was in Mechanical Engineering, with 4 years of experience in the IT field, and I was trying to get immigration as a software engineer, so they wanted my degree to be evaluated by CCPE (Canadian Council of Proffessional Engineers) I may have been better off if I had applied as a Mechanical engineer
   b) They asked for the finger print cards again as I did not get them done through FBI initially, but through the local police.

3)Applied for the evaluation from CCPE. The Evaluation from CCPE took 10 weeks !, so Completed my package in May 2001 and send it back to them, meanwhile I had my Medical done.

4) Got back a reply from them in 2 weeks that there were some papers still missing. This time they wanted more elaboration on my wife\'s work experience. I faxed it to them the same day

5)Got back a reply from them in 2 weeks again that I needed to pay my ROLF (Right of Landing Fees), so I send them the US Money Order of the amt for me and my wife.

6) Got my Lnading papers in July 2001. Case closed in 9 months !

If you get all your paper work together in the right way, it could be done in 6-8 months, but you should have a string case, with no Interview required.

I hope this helps