How long for check to be deposited?


Registered Users (C)

I recently submitted my H1B revalidation application to the St. Louis office. When does the St. Louis office deposit our bank draft? I still see my check not being deposited by them...

Any idea how long?

Experts please!

Can anybody PLEASE answer this question? I am getting really worried what happened to my application...

Please help!

Ginnu, Jaxen, others, PLEASE!

Ginnu, Jaxen, others, PLEASE!

Any one wants to answer this question?

Thanks in advance.
Did you send a bank draft/cashier's check or a personal check? If it is a bank draft or a cashier's check, doesn't the amount get deducted when you are given a draft by the bank?
I sent a bank draft. I called the bank, it is not deposited yet. So just wanted to how much time approximately it takes for the St. Louis office to deposit the check.

Any idea?