How long Finger print recheduling takes in Newark ASC?


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Since i was out of the country, my lawyer had to reschedule my FP with Newark ASC. Does any one know how long Newark ASC takes for sending reschedule notice for FP? It is already 4 weeks since the lawer sent the request.
If you have a copy of your FP notice, you can go to the office to have your PF done within 86 days after the orginal notification date.
No, don't just walk in. I had my FP code 3 done today (6/27/2006) at Newark ASC and a couple ahead of me just came in to get FP done with no appointment letter. They told the officer that they reschelduled the appointment and have not received the apointment notice. When the officer ask how long since they rescheduled they said 3 weeks, the officer said that it takes 3 months to reschedule FP he said "a lot of people doing the same thing thats why it takes so long" his exact words. So from what I over heard today you have to wait at least 3 months don't even go there cuz the officer will turn you away.
I am getting confused. When ASC takes 3 months to reschedule your FP, how are we expected to complete your FP done with in 86 days?
Hi Ellimac - Finger Print in Newark

I'm just wondering how long does it take to get the finger print done in newark? My schedule is at 10 am Saturday and wondering how long before should I be there?
Is there a line or a whole bunch of people coming every day?

I really appreciate your input.
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Get there at 8:30, you'll be out by 9. There is a line to check in, then a waiting area where they will call your number.