How long does it take for RFE to reach applicant


Registered Users (C)

Quick question to people who have got RFEs
How long does it typically take to reach you.
My status says RFE mailed on 10th june.

Also according to lawyer ... in addition to send RFE to lawyer , I too
will get a copy. Is this true.

RFE 10th june 2004
rd - 02/16/2002
nd - 03/04/2002
No. U MAY not get a copy. I think it depends on what type of RFE it is.
I got my RFE last months and a couple of my friends are also got their RFEs. None of us received any copies except our lawyers. All of us got for W2, Tax returns ...
Also the lawyers received the RFE with in 3,4 days after our RFEs were generated.
So, keep bugging the lawyer. Worst case, it may have lost in MAIL and u may have to call INS (after 14 days) to send RFE again.
My RFE was sent on May 21st and i/my lawyer haven't received it yet. Per mail I contacted INS and we were told that we need to wait until 30 days over from May 21st, means we can start enquiring only after June 21st. Even my attorney got the same answer. As mentioned in online status to contact after 14 days is a big B.S by INS. :mad: