How long does it take for Phy GC


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone knows how long it is taking these days for physical card to come after I551 stamping.

Please share.
Thanks for the info guys

I was interested in knowing these days at CSC - how long are they taking. Since it seems they are at freeze state right now. Dont know if it affects issuance of phy card also.

Anybody recieved it most recently..
Physical card AVM still not updated

You may right about the freeze. It's been more than 4 months since I got my stamping and no sign of the card yet.

The status message in AVM still says 'This case has been approved........."
I guess you still haven't learned.

Hey Joe nice to see that you still haven't learned ANYTHING of what ANYONE has been attempting to point out to you about your nettiquette.

You could have easily emparted the same information in a much more civilized way. Eg.

"I'm sorry, but this statement is pretty much meaningless.
It all depends on when you got the stamp, what service center, etc.
Even then, the timeframe tends to change pretty often."

could have been worded as:

The time-frame depends on many variables such as when you got the stamp, what service center, etc.

See how easy that was? Now everyone's happy, you, the person requesting the information, and other person who supplied, admittedly, generalized information.

But hey seeing as how nobody over the last 6 months has gotten you to modify you posts in the slightest I guess I know how much this one is gonna help.
I personally dont have a problem with the language and style of JoeF. Actually I appreciate his active particiaption although I cannot figure out how he gets the time to do it.

Every person has his own style. I think it is quite important to get along with a diverse range of people. I think they call it "people skills".
Any info is imp Information

JoeF, I feel that info provided by chuckwu(personal exp) was as imp as your posting (generic answer). After all these message board are meant for exchange of info that may help others waiting in-line. and Any kind of personal info gives us some idea on how much longer it may take, though it all depends on INS eventually.

The attitide I take towards some of meaningless postings - is ignore it. Just filter out what message is imp to you and rest ignore it. I feel there are moderators reviewing each message from this portal and if it doesnt bother them, it shouldnt bother us.

does any one knows whats the difference in following two postings on Status Inquiry sites -

1. On April 30, 2002, after approving your application, we ordered you a new card. Your card will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

2. Processing for your Alien Registration Card or Green Card has been completed. Your INS document will be mailed to you as soon as it is ready.

Any info, please share.
Is there a web site or a phone number to track if the Physical green card has been ordered or if it has been posted.
Please let me know if there is one for nebraska .