How long does it take for NSC to respond RFE of EB-1a?


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I just sent in my RFE to NSC. The RFE was very general and CIS simply re-stated everything on the qualification list. Does anyone know how fast NSC process RFE for EB-1A? Thanks.
bobdog said:
I just sent in my RFE to NSC. The RFE was very general and CIS simply re-stated everything on the qualification list. Does anyone know how fast NSC process RFE for EB-1A? Thanks.

When di dyou file your petition? can you post your credentials? That will be helpful. Thanks
bobdog said:
I just sent in my RFE to NSC. The RFE was very general and CIS simply re-stated everything on the qualification list. Does anyone know how fast NSC process RFE for EB-1A? Thanks.

as far as I remember your case was transferred from VSC. Did you call the customer service number?
My petition was sent to VSC in Sept, 2005 and was than transferred to NSC in April 2006. A RFE was issued in Aug. 2006.

Qualification: I am a postdoc fellow in a top medical school. I have published 30 articles and they have been cited more than 500 times by independent researchers. For my initial petition, I had 10 ref letters from big shots, including a Nobel Laureate and a few academy members in my field. I sent two more letters for the RFE. Two of my papers were reported in the "news and views" of top journals. I routinely serve as a reviewer for five journals. I also have received a number of fellowships and conference awards, but it would be hard to prove that these awards are at national/international level. These are the basics of my qualification. Please feel free to ask if you want to know more.
Hi eb1a-query, you are right. My case was transferred from VSC. I did not call the customer service number yet. I just sent out my response to the RFE and would like to get a sense of how long it takes NSC to decide a RFE response.
It depends.


It depends on the cases, and the response time varies from couple of weeks to several months. If you have no problem with the visa availability issue and you are done with the name/security checks, you could hear good news from USCIS as early as next week. Good luck! :)

bobdog said:
Hi eb1a-query, you are right. My case was transferred from VSC. I did not call the customer service number yet. I just sent out my response to the RFE and would like to get a sense of how long it takes NSC to decide a RFE response.
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bobdog said:
I just sent in my RFE to NSC. The RFE was very general and CIS simply re-stated everything on the qualification list. Does anyone know how fast NSC process RFE for EB-1A? Thanks.

I believe in most cases USCIS and NSC are trying to get back within two months after the RFE is received.

You have a strong case. You should be ok.

I am in a similar position as bobdog. I applied in this category in September 2005 at VSC. Case transferred to NSC in April 2006, RFE sent in Aug 2006 and responded to in October 2006.Very general RFE like yours.

My NIW case was approved after security check last month.

Lawyers said that with 4-5 papers and 7-8 citations, I have no chance with EB1-EA at NSC, but I have taken a chance. Let us see what happens.
When can I hear from NSC?
Good luck, Panduranga. My NIW was approved too, but the visa number for my country is not current. I will keep people here posted.
bobdog, you case sounds so strong! I am surprised to hear that they issued an RFE. what exactly did they ask you to provide?
Hi eb1a-query, CIS asked me everything on the list. See below.

1) Documentation of your receipt of lesser nationally or internationally
recognized prizes or award for excellence in the field of endeavor;

2) Documentation of your membership on associations in the field for which
classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their
members, as judged by recognized national or international exerts in their
disciplines or fields;

3) Published material about you in professional or major trade publications
or other major media relating to your work in the field for which
classification is sought. (Mere reference to your work or inclusion of your
publications in bibliographies or footnotes is insufficient.) Such evidence
must include the title, date, and author of the material, and any necessary

4) Evidence of your participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of
the work of others in the same or an allied field of specialization for
which classification is sought;

5) Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or
business-related contributions of major significance in the field;

6) Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in
professional or mojor trade publications or other major media;

7) Evidence of the display of your work in the field at artistic exhibitions
or showcases;

8) Evidence that you have performed in a leading or critical role for
organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation;

9) Evidence that you have commanded a high salary or other significantly
high remuneration for services in relation to others in the field; or

10) Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts, as shown by box
office receipts or record, cassette, compact disk, or video sales.

if the above standards do not readily apply to your occupation, you may
submit comparable evidence to establish your eligibility.
Thanks bobdog...
Just wondering whether you had not clarified all these points in your original cover letter...coz you had a strong case and qualified for more that 3 criteria. how did you respond to the RFE? Since it is more than 3 months after you responded to the RFE you should call them.
Hi eb1a-query,

I only focused on four criteria:

3) Published material about you in professional or major trade publications
or other major media relating to your work in the field for which
classification is sought.

4) Evidence of your participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of
the work of others in the same or an allied field of specialization for
which classification is sought;

5) Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or
business-related contributions of major significance in the field;

6) Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in
professional or mojor trade publications or other major media;

I think arguing about "lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes", "membership" and "leading role" is wasting time, since I am a postdoc. I hope, with my fingers crossed, that USCIS would agree that I meet at least 3 out of 4 criteria I focused on.

My RFE was exactly the same, except that it started with mentioning about my expertise in environmental engg.
1) Documentation of your receipt of lesser nationally or internationally
recognized prizes or award for excellence in the field of endeavor;

2) Documentation of your membership on associations in the field for which
classification is sought, which require outstanding achievements of their
members, as judged by recognized national or international exerts in their
disciplines or fields;

3) Published material about you in professional or major trade publications
or other major media relating to your work in the field for which
classification is sought. (Mere reference to your work or inclusion of your
publications in bibliographies or footnotes is insufficient.) Such evidence
must include the title, date, and author of the material, and any necessary

4) Evidence of your participation on a panel, or individually, as a judge of
the work of others in the same or an allied field of specialization for
which classification is sought;

5) Evidence of your original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic, or
business-related contributions of major significance in the field;

6) Evidence of your authorship of scholarly articles in the field, in
professional or mojor trade publications or other major media;

7) Evidence of the display of your work in the field at artistic exhibitions
or showcases;

8) Evidence that you have performed in a leading or critical role for
organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation;

9) Evidence that you have commanded a high salary or other significantly
high remuneration for services in relation to others in the field; or

10) Evidence of commercial successes in the performing arts, as shown by box
office receipts or record, cassette, compact disk, or video sales.

if the above standards do not readily apply to your occupation, you may
submit comparable evidence to establish your eligibility.