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How long can we wait before responding to NL


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How late can I wait before I send my forms back to KCC? Can I do it sometime next year or is there a deadline?

How late can I wait before I send my forms back to KCC? Can I do it sometime next year or is there a deadline?


Check the letter. There is a list with dates describing schedule. So I guess you have to send back your reply till October 1, 2009. Because the interviews are from October 1, 2009 till September 30, 2010. You can send them later, I guess, but then you might not get a date for interview.
eMachine, that's a harsh assumption you're making. Don't be so quick to jump to making negative comments. It's not nice.

Gerindo and ammeck09, thanks for the replies and for understanding my question. Yes I do have a reason for waiting. I'm on F1 visa and have a very very high CN#. I would like to see how the case numbers are going on the visa bulletins next year before I take the risk of sending in my paperwork and jeopardizing my F1 status.

Good to know that I will have some breathing space before I have to make the decision. If the bulletins next year look like this year my CN will never become current and it's not worth trying.
eMachine, that's a harsh assumption you're making. Don't be so quick to jump to making negative comments. It's not nice.

Gerindo and ammeck09, thanks for the replies and for understanding my question. Yes I do have a reason for waiting. I'm on F1 visa and have a very very high CN#. I would like to see how the case numbers are going on the visa bulletins next year before I take the risk of sending in my paperwork and jeopardizing my F1 status.

Good to know that I will have some breathing space before I have to make the decision. If the bulletins next year look like this year my CN will never become current and it's not worth trying.

No problem, once u graduate u find a job, go on H1B and then file for greencard. :D
No problem, once u graduate u find a job, go on H1B and then file for greencard. :D

Going for H1B is not that easy anymore. Everything has changed here. If it was that easy I wouldn't care about the lottery. I already graduated from one program and now I'm going for advanced degree because there's a hiring freeze in most places.
Going for H1B is not that easy anymore. Everything has changed here. If it was that easy I wouldn't care about the lottery. I already graduated from one program and now I'm going for advanced degree because there's a hiring freeze in most places.

Just wait for this year to pass and then get a job. Don't be too pessimistic. :D
Be positive. Your case number may be high but take the chance. Money is tight everywhere. So I guess you will see this years trend continue to next year. Very high case numbers becoming current.
Be positive. Your case number may be high but take the chance. Money is tight everywhere. So I guess you will see this years trend continue to next year. Very high case numbers becoming current.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'll keep optimistic, but I don't see the point in risking my legal student status here and my grad program without seeing how the visa bulletins CNs are trending. If by March the numbers are looking higher and better than this year then I'll send my paperwork to KCC. Otherwise for me it will be a foolish risk. Also I will apply again for DV 2011 just in case.

Historically, my case number (greater than 70,000) has only become current about three times in the last ten years or so, so I'm not having much hope. :(
Historically, my case number (greater than 70,000) has only become current about three times in the last ten years or so, so I'm not having much hope. :(

Hey sorry to hear that you have a high case number. Where are u from, Africa? Because right now, all the areas except Africa are current, but Africa has cut off at 64000 in August.

I have high EU25xxx and I have the same concerns as losing my F1 status if I fail to get a greencard. And to top it all, I was planning to get married next year. Now I really hesistate about what to do. For those in Boston area, Irish Immigrant Center is a good resource for free legal advice, which I found out today. I will go get some one-to-one advice from their voluntar attorney on Thursday in what they call as legal clinics. Just to let you know. Good luck everybody.
Hey sorry to hear that you have a high case number. Where are u from, Africa? Because right now, all the areas except Africa are current, but Africa has cut off at 64000 in August.

I have high EU25xxx and I have the same concerns as losing my F1 status if I fail to get a greencard. And to top it all, I was planning to get married next year. Now I really hesistate about what to do. For those in Boston area, Irish Immigrant Center is a good resource for free legal advice, which I found out today. I will go get some one-to-one advice from their voluntar attorney on Thursday in what they call as legal clinics. Just to let you know. Good luck everybody.

scientist2010, yeah I'm from Africa. And from the visa bulletin with the cut off dates for Africa my chances are next to nothing. :(

I think for EU you are fine with that number, but always better to ask an immigration expert especially with the chance of losing F1 status. I asked three of them and got the same answer - it's very risky with my number. You could also always apply for consular processing and go back home for your interview, but for that # in EU I think you're fine.
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