How long AP takes? 969-999 days



Did you give them the emergency reason that why you apply in local office? Or you need to show them some evidence. Otherwise, they may ask you why didn't you wait till NSC to approve your case.

Your reply will be greatly appreciated!
thanks for your reply

Did they give you AP paper in the same day? How about the AP you filed in NSC? Will the local office notify them?

Did you go to Chicago INS? and were you aple to get EAD AND AP? Pllease let us know becasue I am planning on doing the same thing next week.



When you went to NJ local office got your AP, did you pay for it again? since you already filed AP in NSC?
I'm going tomorrow, I will let you guys know the good news hopfully. I'm taking with me, 2 pictures, Check book " to write a check", 1-485 Receipt, Copy of the I131 Reciept, Letter from my Dad's Doctor, Letter from my Lawyer explaining the situation , my Expired Advance Parole and my Current Employment Authorization Card. DO you guys think I should take anything else with me, Yes, Yes I will take my good looks with me.

I have the same problem, my father is very sick and I have to go see him, I would really appreciate it if you can give us a detail on the letter that your laywer gave you and the letter from the Doctor. I would really really appreciate that. This is going to be my first AP so I am not sure if it is different, please try to ask if I can apply when i go to immigration. Thanks in advance

Sorry guys, but I did not get it, I was there at 5:45, there was about 10 people ahead of me, at 7:00 they open the door, I went up stairs, I spoke to the Information Desk Lady, she was so nice, She asked me to show all the docuemtns needed, and she said that she is sorry that my dad is sick and she will give the application to the office and I don't have to wait. Until then, I was so happy I thought that's it I got it, but at 7:30 this Black Lady came out, called my name and Said, I'm sorry We can not issue the AP to you, you are EMployment based and you stilll have to go to Nebraska, I told her that I did that 6 months ago and I'm still waiting, she was nice enough I she did check on the computer with Nebraska to see if they made a decision, but as we all know, this is only a dream. So she appologized again, she told me sorry that she can not and sorry that there is nothing that she can do" They are human after all, I was surprised." Then I went to do Special Registration, after I waitied online for 1 hour, and filled the applicaiton, the lady told me that I dont need to register, I explained to her that I need a letter stating that, she went up stairs to the Officers and explained my situation and she came back with nothing not even the applicaiton that I filled, she said, that I don't have to register and that was it, so the whole day was a failier, but I enjoyed the Star Bucks at the corner of State and Jackson, they make one meen Ass Late`

I wish I had good knews to report, so for those guys that where planing to go, don't even waist your time, the will not give you the AP, not even for an emergency.
Seattle local INS


I called Seattle INS local office and the lady told me it is fine that I can come to get AP. She said as long as I take all the required doc with me.

I am trying to decide to go or not after reading Danber's story.
I was told the same thing when I called chicago office, I even bought a ticket and I got a letter from my Dad's doctor indicating that he is sick, but no luck. I would call and Ask specific questions if I'm you.
My RD is Jan 22 03

I have not received my AP as yet. I have seen a posting in Rupnet for a Feb RD who recd AP in 19 days. Amazing! The US govt need not give aid to the Airlines - all they have to do is approve APs.

I was in Immigration on Thursday, Actually I went for special registration and it took me half an hour and then I asked the receptionest about AP, she was very nice to call the lady who issues the AP at the Jackson location and she explained my situtation and she told her that I have to get it from Nebraska center, they don't give Ap for employment based applicants. I don't know what to do, maybe I should try different immigration office, Milwaukee for example. What do you think?

I was in Immigration on Thursday, Actually I went for special registration and it took me half an hour and then I asked the receptionest about AP, she was very nice to call the lady who issues the AP at the Jackson location and she explained my situtation and she told her that I have to get it from Nebraska center, they don't give Ap for employment based applicants. I don't know what to do, maybe I should try different immigration office, Milwaukee for example. What do you think?
im sorry I cant help you in this one, because I'm in the same boat. My guess don't go any where, they all should have the same orders, but if you do go, please keep us notified.

Re: AP

tosamir, How many months your A.P. is valid?. Did you give any special reason.
I did not apply A.P. at all. I am planning to go local office to get A.P. I have to attend my brothers marriage. What is good excuse I can give them?

Thank in advance.

Originally posted by tosamir
I don't know about Seattle, WA but you can get it from Newark,NJ office. I think you should try.

I had submited following documents.

Form 131
Copy of 485 receipt
Copy of I-94
2 Photographs

Keep passport and driving license with you.
Brothers marriage

I dont think this might be a emergency. I had been to the local ins office boston , with a doctors letter as my mother-in-law needs to be operated. The ins officer said this kind of surgery can wait, so u will have to file at the regional office.

Finally I ended up filing at the VSC on mar-10 and waiting

I had filed new application at Newark, NJ. My AP at NC is still under process.

He can explain religious ceremony in marriage and brother in ceremony is required.

I don’t know about other INS office but I had really good experience at Newark,NJ.