How is Phoenix DO scheduling oath dates?


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone,

I have my interview at the Phoenix DO on 3/15 and am curious how Phoenix is doing these days on scheduling oath dates. It looks like they have at least one oath ceremony each week. Do you have any information on how long the wait is between interview date and the oath date? Thanks for any information!
Here are my dates:

PD 9/27/2006
FP 10/12/2006
IL 1/29/2007
IV 3/15/2007

My interview is on the 15th and there is an oath ceremony on the 16th. Do you think they are going to schedule me for the 16th? Or, should I expect a delay and a later oath date? Thanks.
Your oath ceremony most certainly will not be held the right next day. My oath letter arrived about 5 weeks after my interview and oath ceremony was about a month after that. See my timelines.

DO : Phoenix, AZ

PD : July 13, 2006
FP : Aug 03, 2006
IV : Dec 19, 2006
Oath : Feb 23, 2006 - rescheduled
Oath : Mar 2, 2006
Has anyone had a recent interview in Phoenix (within the last month or so)? It will be great if you can share the information on your oath dates. Also, has anyone tried asking for a later oath date than what you get in the mail?

Phx_n400 had about two months between interview and oath dates. My interview is on March 15th, but I am traveling to India at the end of May, so it makes it a bit tricky to get the new passport etc quickly. I am not in a rush to become a citizen, so I can wait some more time to take the oath. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!