how is Info Pass working ?


Registered Users (C)
Hi !
I just scheduled an Info Pass to speak to an immigration officer.
Is it usually just a short conversation about the case or it is possible to have the real interview done actually?
Can anyone tell me how is working ?
It also says to bring all the support documents with you.

Hi !
I just scheduled an Info Pass to speak to an immigration officer.
Is it usually just a short conversation about the case or it is possible to have the real interview done actually?
Can anyone tell me how is working ?
It also says to bring all the support documents with you.


I am sure there was a reason you scheduled an infopass. Mainly, it's a question(s) about your case. So, you're going to get answers to your questions. That's all. No interview is being held at the infopass.
it is not an interview. the experience is akin to buying a money order at a moneybox store, or movie tickets. the IO is behind a thick pane of glass and you can never understand what they are saying so you have to bend down to hear out of the vent.

bring all of your documents. especially: government issued ID, passport, any uscis notice of actions you have, etc.

ask and ask questions. they won't volunteer any answers unless you ask.
it's similar to what you get when you call the 1-800 number: your case status. The difference is that you see who you're speaking to.