How important is it to have a job?


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Is it necessary for a GC sponsor spouse to be employed at the time of GC interview? A USC friend of mine has filed a GC petition on behalf of her spouse. She has been in the same job for over 5 years and has liquid assets over 100k. Lately, her job has gotten so stressful that she is considering quitting her job. Her spouse's GC interview is 5 weeks away. If she quits the job now, will this have an adverse impact on the interview?
I don't think that it matters at this point since the petition has already since you're at interview stage (don't quote me on this) but it's better to be safe than sorry. If I were her, for the sake of her spouse, I'd quit the day or week after the interview. 5-6 weeks more won't kill her. I hope.
If her household size for the I-864 is five or less, her $100K in liquid assets would completely* offset the income requirement, so it would be OK to quit her job. But if she did not list her assets and provide proof of those assets with the I-864, she should fill out a new I-864 with that information and bring the proof to the interview.

*unless she's in Alaska or Hawaii, where $100K might not be enough depending on her household size
Thanks for the replies, guys!

I am on the fence on this one. I was the sponsor for my wife and they told me to bring the last four paystubs and in the interview the IO didnt even mention anything about being the sponsor or show any supporting documents for that. He didnt seem to be much interested on the sponsoring part. Just my .02 cents here.