How easily can I reschedule my interview


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It's just a bummer, I got my interview letter and they want me to show up just the week I will be out of state next summer. I was really hoping the interview would take place at a different date but I am travelling and cannot make any change.

The customer service center told me to contact the INS directly here in SFO by sending back the letter with an explanation on why I cannot make it. They say that for inconvenience they might decide not to reschedule.

Does someone know if I can get my interview to be rescheduled? How flexible there are with those dates? My only reason is that I am travelling for a week out of state and I cannot change my plan for many reasons.

Thanks for any advice
you can request a change.. but i do not think they would honor of your request for picking a specific date range.

i wonder how far push back they would schedule for the next interview.. 6 months? few weeks? or up to a yr or two?
I am blessed...this might be useful for others so I am sharing my experience.

The INS rescheduled my interview just a week after my previous date. I sent them a courtuous letter explaining why I am unable to attend the interview and 3 days later I received a new interview letter. I will attend the interview just 5 business days after my original date.