how do u get the application?

Once you are in the us TERRITORIES you can't anymore apply for REFUGEE. However you could always apply for ASYLUM once in US.

I hope that'll help.
how ??

i'am in canada not in the usa now but i will be leaving canada soon so i have to send the application before i go! right? and please if you know the name of of the application and how could i get it!
lovelyguy62 said:
i'am in canada not in the usa now but i will be leaving canada soon so i have to send the application before i go! right? and please if you know the name of of the application and how could i get it!

In my understanding, you can not apply for asylum or refugee status while outside the U.S.

If you are outside the U.S and planning to ask for asylum you must do it at the port of entry to the U.S. When you go to the US immigration booth at the airport or seaport, you tell the officer that you want to apply for asylum.

Then, he will take you to "secondary inspection" to verify if your document are fake or not and to also ask you about your persecution. If you convice that low level immigration officer that you really have a legitimate persecution then you will get a "credible fear interview"

On that interview (usually withing 24hrs) the asylum officer determines if there exists a "significant possibility" that the asylum seeker's fear of persecution is "credible." A positive finding takes the applicant out of the expedited removal process and entitles him to an asylum hearing before an immigration judge at a later date.

The judge will approve or deny the petition, and he may also release you from detention. If the judge approves your case you will be granted "REFUGEE STATUS" since you applied for asylum at the port of entry.

You can have all the application forms ready (I-589) But you will have plenty of time to fill it out. Be aware that you may be in detention for a few days before you can see a judge. If you can hire a lawyer in advance or know a lawyer THAT YOU CAN TRUST in the U.S port of entry city that you plan to enter the US would be very helpful to you. BIG MISTAKES happens on those low level asylum interviews and those mistakes can led you to expedite removal and deportation withing hours or days.

BE ALSO AWARE that US immigration officers may deny your asylum since you have had the possibility of requesting asylum in Canada (Third Safe Country Law) and they may return you to Canada to ask for asylum there first.
If Canada already denied you asylum, your chances of getting asylum in The US are very very slim.

For more info click here:

Good Luck...
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thanks alot for the reply I want know what's the different between Asylum and the refugee? and do i have to send the application! i did not have war before in my country that's why canada did not accept my Asylum! but the war is going on so i hope they'll accept it?
lovelyguy62 said:
thanks alot for the reply I want know what's the different between Asylum and the refugee? and do i have to send the application! i did not have war before in my country that's why canada did not accept my Asylum! but the war is going on so i hope they'll accept it?

Asylum Status: When a person request for protection (asylum) while ALREADY IN THE UNITED STATES. Example: A individual from X country came to the US in a tourist visa, two weeks later while he was living with his brother in NY he applies for asylum and it is granted. The same case if the person enters the US Illegally through the border without inspection.

Refugee Status: When the asylum seeker request for asylum at the port of entry (airport or seaport)

The different between those two are only where you ask for asylum.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SEND THE APPLICATION BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT IN THE US. If you want you can fill the forms and give it to the officer during your interview at the airport.

Your chances in obtaining asylum in the US are 50/50 if Canada denied your asylum the US WILL probably do it too. However, the US may accept your asylum since the conditions of your country changed. In addition the US may deny your asylum and ask you to appeal your denied case in Canada, so Canada can reconsider your application since the conditions of your country is very complicated....
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Safe Third Country Agreement

Also you are/were in Canada so the US would deny your application because Canada and the US have a “Safe Third Country” agreement. If you first stop in Canada then go on to apply in the US you must apply in Canada and vice versa. So your option is to appeal to the Canadian government for Asylum or better yet GET A LAWYER.
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I did appeal and all the stuff i have lawyer too! but they say i have to leave! so that's why and plus i ilived in the usa before with a visitor visa!?

taurusborn said:
Also you are/were in Canada so the US would deny your application because Canada and the US have a “Safe Third Country” agreement. If you first stop in Canada then go on to apply in the US you must apply in Canada and vice versa. So your option is to appeal to the Canadian government for Asylum or better yet GET A LAWYER.