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How do i increase my chances of winning the DV 2009?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Am new here, though i have been logging in to read your threads. I need your help - My husband and I have applied for the DV for the last 3 years without success. We have a son born in the US and that makes him an automatic citizen. We share the same surname with my husband (automatically after marriege i took over his name), our address is the same and so is the home telephone number - i read some where that the random selection by machines eliminates people by name and address i.e it thinks it is one person applying and therefore disqualifies the two - is this true - is there anybody here who got a DV and is in the same situation as me i.e same surname as hubby or wife, same address? Secondary - i have a sister living in the states - can i use her address to up my chances? or can my hubby and i use different addresses to increase our chances? Your answers will be highly appreciated:
In therory the Lottery select candidates randomly.
There have been some debates already on this.

So, in theory, nothing can increase your chances.
However, what happens is that most people do not get pictures meeting the requirements ( for example ), thus get rejected for that, but they do not know about it.

In your case, you can apply stating that you are married. And your husband can apply stating that he is married. You doubled your chances, but that's pretty much all you can do.
need explonation...

Hi. My wife is an dv 2008 winner with case number 2008EU000005.. we are four member of the family, we send all requested forms to the KCC with they confirmed us through email., know we are waitting for second letter wich began from october 2007.
We gote an afidavit of suport I-134 and job ofer noticed form, my question is, Do we need to have any banc acount (fro 4 four members ) or this might be OK.
In hope that you will respond on my letter, I tahnk you in advance
Hi everyone,

Am new here, though i have been logging in to read your threads. I need your help - My husband and I have applied for the DV for the last 3 years without success. We have a son born in the US and that makes him an automatic citizen. We share the same surname with my husband (automatically after marriege i took over his name), our address is the same and so is the home telephone number - i read some where that the random selection by machines eliminates people by name and address i.e it thinks it is one person applying and therefore disqualifies the two - is this true - is there anybody here who got a DV and is in the same situation as me i.e same surname as hubby or wife, same address? Secondary - i have a sister living in the states - can i use her address to up my chances? or can my hubby and i use different addresses to increase our chances? Your answers will be highly appreciated:

You can give a US Address or use different address for husband/wife and although it makes no difference when compared to using a similar address i would encourage to use diff address if you can.

The way Duplication detection works is, they employ combination of facial recognition technology and of course bio data i.e name/DOB/address.

They run the algorithm to filter entries with first of all similar names and with similar DOB and as you can imagine there will be thousands that will pop up i.e from a particular country it is possible to detect same names and same DOB, however this query result is further filtered by address info & running facial recognition tech to result in positive matches which almost nails the duplicate entry. However the reverse query can be run in tandem as well i.e facial recognition technology run by country basis and then comparing Bio Data. Of course they are further filtered by searching for dependent spouse included in application and children. It kind of Recursive look up.

I would say you dont need to worry however method you go though
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Thank you all for the advise - i guess to be on the safe side we shall use different addresses for the 2009.
Thank you all for the advise - i guess to be on the safe side we shall use different addresses for the 2009.

i wanna add to all comments that my wife & me both are selected for dv 2008 with two differenet case no and we used one address. i think threre is no different using one or two addresses.it's really a random selection and there is no main method to increasing the chance but just proper filling the form.i filled all the online forms by myself like many many other guys and i think it is better using an recepient address in US...be lucky.
i wanna add to all comments that my wife & me both are selected for dv 2008 with two differenet case no and we used one address. i think threre is no different using one or two addresses.it's really a random selection and there is no main method to increasing the chance but just proper filling the form.i filled all the online forms by myself like many many other guys and i think it is better using an recepient address in US...be lucky.
and you are not the only one! I have read about several other cases when people from the same family won (spouses, parents and an adult child, or siblings).