How did you celebrate after 485 approval?

Okay, okay, I know you first waited for the coutesy/official approval notice, went to get your passport stamped and then to the social security office and to your employer. Obviously you called your family back in the old country excitedly and (hopefully) prayed. I also know that you probably ate a hearty meal at a good restaurant and found yourself with a bad case of diarrhea. And of course, spoke to your lawyer and took a trip back to China or India or England or Mars or wherever you\'re from. Who cares about all that, we all do those things (although I didn\'t do most of those).

But how did you celebrate?? Did you do something unique like streak naked through the streets, burn old documents in an attempt to rid yourself of all the monsters that have plagued you for the past few years, shoot your boss, hike the Himalayas, take a vacation in the Bahamas, .....????
It would be interesting to know your reactions and actions after you no longer heard that annoying message "Your application to adjust to permanent resident status was received is currently taking between..." and heard the magical words "This case has been approved".

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I was thinking the same before I got my approval. I was thinking that I should call everyone for a get together and go out for dinner.But nothing happened except for mental relief.
Anyway , whatever you have said is true..I should plan for a trip to Bahama\'s.
No No..I shouldn\'t. Then people will say, this guy doesn\'t have any,let me be myself and keep going on and whenever I feel like doing something let me do it.

But, Whenever I thought of my approval..I feel secured..Thats a nice feeling.
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Go bungee jumping from the Statue of Liberty ..........or Sky Diving over New York ........... NAKED .....