How can my parents visit me?


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Dear friends,

As we all know, we asylees can not visit our home country , but I missed my parents so much. I have not seen them for 5 years. Can they apply a visa as a visitor to see me? What kind of materials is needed if they try to get a visitor visa to see me?
Bank account? wage ?

Please give me some suggestions. I really really miss them now
I used affidavit of support and I went to my bank to get proof of all my deposits for the past year. My mom did not have any problems. Not even a question. But she is over 55.
thanks no freedom

My parents are in their fifies too. It's great that your MOM can visit you. I still have some questions. What did your mom bring to the consulate? will you please email me a list of documents? And what questions did the officer ask? how much money is needed in the bank statement and should it be 3 months deposit or just evidence of bankstatement. Most important is will the officer know that you are an aslyee and will he ask your mom? Do you have to have a job to invite your parents? if I did not have a job now and donot have enough money in my bank account, can my parents showed their own bank account to support themself? please help me more. my email is, thank you very much for your help. now I see the hope to see my mom in near future. Otherwise I have to see her after 10 years when i got the citizenship and sposor for her.
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Re: thanks no freedom

Originally posted by bullSF
My parents are in their fifies too. It's great that your MOM can visit you. I still have some questions. What did your mom bring to the consulate? will you please email me a list of documents? And what questions did the officer ask? how much money is needed in the bank statement and should it be 3 months deposit or just evidence of bankstatement. Most important is will the officer know that you are an aslyee and will he ask your mom? Do you have to have a job to invite your parents? if I did not have a job now and donot have enough money in my bank account, can my parents showed their own bank account to support themself? please help me more. my email is, thank you very much for your help. now I see the hope to see my mom in near future. Otherwise I have to see her after 10 years when i got the citizenship and sposor for her.

I do not know. I would not let the people in your country's US consulate know that you are an asylee. The next thing that will jump into their minds is that your parents will also apply for asylum, through your help, and thus they may decline them the visa fearing that they will overstay their visit. When my parents came they did not even mention me and since they were old enough, they both got the Visas without any hassles. Older people easily get the visas. Good luck and I wish your parents join you soon. Trust me you will feel much better when they come and will get this emotional refueling that we all asylees need.
thank you, shamshon

But did you have to write an invitation letter to your parents first? and Do we need to fill out our information in parents' application for B-2 visa (is it B-2?), My parents are still working, also they will go back to my homecountry for sure after visisting me. Do the consulate have the information that i am an asylee at this time even if i do not mention to them?
It was very simple, she showed them my bank statement (not how much money you have, but my deposits to see that you have income coming - I do not think this is too important, but you have to show at least something), my affidavit of support, she paid embassy application fee (I think $45) and she did not mention anything else. Consul asked her where is she going and what her purpose was. She said to see her son (for graduation first time, second time just to see her son - me :). They did not ask anything else. If they did, she wouldn't know because I told her not to discuss anything about my status, and they shouldn't care. If it doesn't work out with you, you probably have some friends (that you can say cousins) that can do affidavit and bank letter for you. It really doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be immediate relative. Let us know if it works out. Hope this helps. But remember, different countries, different procedures.
I forgot, they have to have something there to guaranty their return (job, house, children ...). Again, you are just a guarantor for them, embassy or consulate should not care about your status here in the US, or at least not when she applies. You are legally here and should not worry. Anybody can send affidavit of support. First time my friend did it for me because I had the same concern as you have now. My mom just said she is going to see my cousin. They are old people, they will not harass them too much like they are doing to us or anybody younger then 40.
Thank you for you information nofreedom

I still have a question about the form of Affidavit of Support. Is it the smiliar one as the forms when you apply for the graduate school in US? Is it good that I borrowd some money from my friends and do a bank statement for my self to backup my parents visiting?
Also have you sent a letter of invitation to her?
My parents have a good living back in my homecountry, so their tied to my home country should prove that they will return home. Hope to see them soon :D
Good luck to all aslyee's miss their parents
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Affidavit of support is INS document. I got it from the local company that deals with immigrants or you can get it from the INS office. Try web site. AGAIN IT IS NOT THE SAME AS support letters for the school. You do not have to have money on your account. I had only a $1000 when I applied.
I think not telling the consulate about your asylum status is illegal and could lead to serious trouble. Think about it.
Originally posted by usa2002
I think not telling the consulate about your asylum status is illegal and could lead to serious trouble. Think about it.

My parents went to the embassy and asked for a visa and said they were coming to America as tourists. They did not have to mention anything about me as an asylee. All what I am saying is, the INS will not ask anyone about his or her son's status in America. My major point is: Embassy officials are such pain in the neck they suspect everyone will overstay their visit ( they are partially right about their fears though; most of us did that). Therefore, if the parents of an asylee go to the embassy official asking for visa and say that their son was granted asylum, the next logical response by this official would be to deny them. I hope i made my points great. Good luck to all

I agree with your accessment. I think it will raise a lot of questions if your parents tell the US embassy officials that thier son/daughter is an asylee in the US.

I do want to point out one thing. On the visa application form question number 37, it asks about if the applicant has any family members currently reside in the US and what is thier status in the US.

See below:
37. Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S., or Do They Have U.S. Legal Permanent Residence or U.S. Citizenship?
Mark YES or NO and indicate that person's status in the U.S. (i.e., U.S. legal permanent resident, U.S. citizen, visiting, studying, working, etc.).
YES NO Husband/Wife
YES NO Father/Mother
YES NO Fiance/Fiancee
YES NO Son/Daughter/Brother/Sister

I assume the answer can be "working" or "studying". I do not think it will consider a lie. You did not volunteer the info is not the same as you intentionally provide wrong info.

Just my 2 cents.
I would agree with cchong. They do not have to tell your status in the US. It will just complilcate things. They are comming back anyway so why complicate. Working option should be fine and we are Resident Aliens. Whenever you start complicating it migh blow up in your face, so take simple approach and lower your risk (not that you have big risk). Try it out ... and of course, let us know.
To nofreedom

"Affidavit of support is INS document. I got it from the local company that deals with immigrants or you can get it from the INS office. Try web site. AGAIN IT IS NOT THE SAME AS support letters for the school. You do not have to have money on your account. I had only a $1000 when I applied"

Nofreedom, is it the from I134?
This one?
However, question 1 said: If you are not a native born united states citizen, answer the following questions:
a... b... c...are all about citizens , so I will not fill in those
d...if a lawfully admitted permanent resident, give a A number....and I am not not PR too, but my I485 are pending. so I have A number.
HOW DO U ANSWER THIS QUESTION? Is this form only for permanent residence and citizen?
Also I donot have a job now, so I just leave question 7 blank?

Thanks for your answer.

On question 1 I answered D with my A number. It worked. However, question 7 might be important. After all, this is affidavid of support. They are trying to make sure that the visitor won't be using public help and public money (see #4, 5 and 6). Do you have any friends that work? Can you find a job in McDonalds or anywhere just to be employed at the time you submit this application? There are many different ways, but to be honest I have no idea what they are looking at now. Different countries different procedures. The more information you provide it will be easier for your parents to come. See if you can go to your bank and pull all your deposits for the last year. They want to see steady income, not necessarily large, just steady. Hope this helps.
yes, I will try to get a job recently before I filled out the forms.
Thanks for you information. Q1 is very important, I will fill out my Anumber as well.

Thank you agian, nofreedom
Asylee does not have a previlege to invite anybody in USA, only permanent resident or citizen, as I was told by INS officer by general INS phone. So I asked my friend, american citizen, to invite my son here. They did not give him visa anyway...
It is hard for young people to get visa in the US. My sister wasn't able to come even with US citizen support. However, my parents did not have any problems with my application. To play it safe, I would suggest finding a friend who has green card or US citizenship and they can apply for you. As for that asylees can not invite, that is true, but I invited my parents, wrote my A number on application and nobody said anything. Worst thing they could do was to deny her application.