How can I prove that I am a jounal reviewer?


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I am a reviewer of a internation journal, but don\'t have any evidence. Should I just state that I am a reviewer of some journal or need a letter from the journal that I am their reviewer?

Thanks in advance.

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You have to have some kind of proof for being a reviewer for any journal. A letter from the journal or even a letter requesting you to review some article for the journal should be OK.

P.S. Personal opinion only.
If you have never reviewed any paper,

then it is hard to justify you are a reviewer. I got letters from journal editor to request me to review papers and also got letters to thank me for my services.
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I reviewed many articles mainly through verbal commitment before, without knowing this might help me for GC. When I realized I needed proof of this activity, I contacted the editors asking them to retroactively send me some written requests for reviewing the same papers. Even email requests did it. I guess you could do the same.